
Aug 19, 2015 00:49

✢ The Character
Character Name: Logan a.ka. Wolverine
Canon: Marvel Comics ~ 616
Canon Point: Just prior to Avengers vs. X-Men

Age: He looks to be in his mid 30s, but he was born around 1886, which would make him roughly 126.

Appearance: Logan is short, stocky, built like a tank, very rough looking, scruffy, and unkempt. He's usually smoking, and if he isn't he's most likely snarling at someone. The first thing most people notice is just how short he is, about 5'5". The next is his somewhat unusually kept black hair and mutton chops. If they've made him angry, or caught him in a sour mood, they might also notice the six 12-inch blades sticking out of his fists.

Inventory: He has a lighter and a pack of Marlboros. Other than that he has the clothes on his back, a white t-shirt, jeans, and boots.

Abilities / Powers: (bulletpoints because he has a lot)
- Regenerative healing factor: he can heal himself from virtually any injury at a very fast rate, regrow missing limbs, organs and even regenerate his entire skeleton. This also means he's highly resistant to toxins and poisons, though large enough doses might do the trick. He's also immune to disease and is has a very prolonged lifespan because of this. This mutation is affected by how much damage he takes, his nutrition and levels of sleep. If he's in bad shape, his healing factor starts slowing down.
- Superhuman acute senses: His sight, hearing and sense of smell are all much more acute than regular humans and a majority of Earth's animals. He can see in almost complete darkness. He can hear great distances and pitches that humans can't. He can recognize people by their smell (sorry shape shifters) and he can track objects and people over great distances. His acute senses have one draw back (since he needs more weaknesses >.<), he can be overloaded, especially with sound, which can cause him pain or disorientation.
- Superhuman strength, agility, reflexes and stamina: His strength ranges from about 800 lbs to a little less than 2000 lbs on good days. He can also jump about 30 feet into the air without assistance. As far as reflexes go, he's dodged bullets and machine gun fire (in the comics he can dodge these point blank, I think that's ridiculous, so I'm going to say at about 10 ft away he can do this). He has incredible stamina and can fight without getting fatigued for roughly 16 hours.
- Them claws: He has 6, 12 inch retractable bone claws, 3 on each hand.
- Adamantium skeleton: His skeleton has been laced with adamantium, this makes his bones virtually indestructable and turns his claws into knives that can cut through virtually anything.
- Random other skills: He's a highly skilled mechanic when it comes to automotives, airplanes, etc., covert ops expert, master fighter/martial artist, multi-lingual (not that that matters in Arkham so much).

History: Wiki

Personality: Logan is definitely a ‘rough around the edges’ sort, or just rough all over. He’s blunt and gruff, which can easily come off as rudeness or anger. Underneath his rough exterior, he is extremely loyal and honorable. Although he’s not afraid to put anyone who opposes him in the ground, he’s also willing to go to extraordinary lengths to make sure that those he respects and loves are safe. He has a handful of people who he trusts completely, but that circle is small and selectively chosen. As far as his drive in Arkham goes, his focus will be twofold. On one hand he’ll be doing his all to keep his friends, and anyone who he deems innocent or worthwhile, safe. On the other hand, he’ll be working at figuring out why they’re here and, more importantly, a way to get home (he has friends there that might need his help, who knows what’s going down in his absence).

An interesting aspect to Logan’s personality is his past and his lack of memory of it. He can recall little bits and pieces, though he knows some memories are altogether false. His past is like a deep pit of betrayal and pain, so having those memories dug up, and getting lost in them, or reliving them is definitely a fear. Besides losing those he’s close to, his other major fear is losing control of his inner animal. He’s susceptible to psychological attacks and mind control, and it doesn’t take much to tip the very delicate control he has over the feral, savage killer inside of him. If he loses control, his greatest fear is that he’ll kill everyone and everything, friend or foe.

As far as head canon goes, I definitely embrace his crazier side. He’s definitely got a screw or two loose and some days he cares and tries to act more human, but other days he just can’t be bothered. He tends to do what he wants and has never really been one for hiding his ‘mutant-ness’. For example, he often uses his claws for practical things like skewering sausages or slicing off the tops of beer instead of using a bottle opener. He also unabashedly sniffs things and people, and he’s definitely not shy about smoking, drinking, or swearing in front of people... your great grandmother, your two year old kid, he could care less. He’s also fairly sarcastic and snippy, and he loves using nicknames.

Oh. And he's Canadian.

First Person Sample:
[The video cuts on to a dark blur and a lot of half growled muttering. There's a pause and then it's obviously from the clunking and streaks of color, light and shadows that the camera is being shaken somewhat violently.]

First you won't turn off, and now you don't want to turn on? Useless piece of- oh... is this... Fine. Yea. Now you're working.

[The camera is focused way too close on someone, so accompanying the grumbling is some skin, a puff of black hair, lips and teeth that look a little too jagged. With another graceless clatter, the camera is moved back and finally focuses on a man with messy black hair and mutton chops, looking more than a little annoyed at the phone in his hand.]

Logan here. So where did we get zapped to this time? Arkham doesn't really ring any bells over here.

[He pauses and wrinkles his nose, sniffing as if to get a smell out of his nose.]

It smells like a damn infirmary in here, but without the medicine and doctors.

[He shakes his head dismissively, his comment mostly a general complaint to no one about the stench of sickness.]

Anyway. We've got bigger problems. [He looks grim and pulls out a small white carton of cigarettes.] I only have one extra pack. This is a priority people.

Third Person Sample:
Logan stalked through the hallways of the dorms. He never really just walked anywhere, even when he had no destination and was just poking around, which was what he was doing now; he always stalked purposefully, like he was on some kind of grim mission, heading somewhere important and pity on anyone who got in his way. It wasn't the first time he'd woken up in some strange universe, so he wasn't exactly distraught. He could care less about the hows and whys at the moment, what he really wanted to know was who else was stuck here with him. He'd been alone, far from anyone and anything, tucked away in his tiny, bare essentials cabin in middle-of-nowhere Canadian wilderness before he'd woken up here. On vacation. Why did this kind of thing alway manage to happen during his very rare breaks? Regardless, based on the fact that he'd been very alone before popping up here, he guessed none of the other X-Men had been pulled through whatever portal that had dropped him here. Good. The less people dragged out here, the better, and he knew he could take care of himself. He was also relieved that there were people back home to hold down the fort. He paused suddenly, sniffing loudly at the air, head tilted. He knew that scent. Damnit. How the hell did Laura end up here? Of all the people. Well, this oughtta be fun.

Anything Else: I snuck a few weaknesses into the power section, but I also want to point out that I'm somewhat not sticking with the comics as far as telepathic type powers go. I'm making Logan completely susceptible to them to add some fun times >:) no metal implants/shields in his skull over here.

✢ The Player
Player Name: Lain
Age: 25
AIM / MSN / Y!M: AIM ~ lainh3r3
Other Characters Played at Cape Kore: Nada

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