Okay, so I've been meaning to do this forever, and ever, and ever.
Long story short, I don't remember everyone whose had CR with Grit (there's a lot of you). If you've had any amount of threads with him, I'll put you up in the chart! So comment below and get ready for Jex's fail version of TL;DR!
Canon Comes First! or it would if I had canon mates. :V
vonkarmicHis 'assistant'. Or her assistant. They assist each other and that's pretty much it. She rides his ass, but over all, they seem to work very well together. At least she hasn't whipped him yet! He does appreciate her and all her hard work.
whatthefactorNerd-ku~n. Tormentor, and overall troll. Grit doesn't consider him a threat... or really all that smart. Just that he likes numbers. A lot. Finally he admitted Sho was right about something, but he'll never do that again. And hopefully, according to him, he'll leave him alone. And nothing of value was lost.
skullcrackingOne of his best friends in Discedo. They've been through a lot together in these past few months. Friends to best friends, they've been on every single positive force together since the police force. If the watch didn't exist... they'd still probably patrol together. Recently, he shot her, so he has a lot of guilt related to that, and just wants to fix things with her. He knows of her Persona... but he hasn't brought it up yet. That she didn't trust him enough to tell him worries him.
pursuestruthHe can't remember how exactly he MET Souji, but it doesn't really matter because they quickly became friends. He's spent a lot of time talking to Souji, and does his best to stay on his good side. He's proud of Souji though, for such a young kid to take charge, it's quite impressive. Reminds him of a shota person back home.
masukukunaiSome guy Souji is apparently buttfucking, idk. Likes to yell at him a lot. :V
yukarcheryThey talked, Yukari got oranges from him, everyone won. And they quickly sprouted into good friends. He patrols with Yukari a lot and was thankful for her helping him out while he got his chip out. She taught him as much as she could about Personaes, and he was very thankful for the information. He'd happily give her back any information she wants.
dividendSOMEHOW THE CASTS CONNECT. Not really a surprise. But anyways. Phoenix first met with Grit when the bastard got shot. He tried to take care of him, and as time went on, he got to know the rest of the Ace Attorney house/apartment. Through him, Grit has gotten a lot of new relationships, but has never forgotten who was his first friend.
And they do stupid dorky things together.