Such. a. good. DAY!!!!!!!!
Kame's Yokai Ningen Bem movie has finally come today!!! I envy the people in Japan @^@
Today I went to a friend's place; and what I thought would be an awkward and just so-so time; it's turned out to be the BEST-EST outing I've had this year <33333
I got scared with friends; baked lava cake (messily) with friends using the cookbook of the winner of the MASTER CHEF USA season 1 (the one with the 7 minute chicken) ; played Persona arena and Blazblue and Fascade against/with friends; watched hilarious youtube videos; and just. so. wonderful.
Here's one of the videos we watched: :)))
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I've never thought so many happy days can come to me in one week <3333
Click to view
Plu yesterday's Dame na Yoru is so cute :)))) <3 And Uepi's amazing; as usual; really :))))
But he go very roc two times in a row in the episode <3 I'm squealing out of happiness of the cuteness and awesomeness of Uepi in the recent Dame na Yoru episodes :)))) <3
Like that episode with Uchida Yuya; Uepi kept chatting and being friendly to Silvia (one of the female hosts) like they're lovey-dovey. It was adorable to watch him smile and have fun <3333333 (Though I'm a bit jealous >,>)
This year is always busy because it's my 3rd year in HS. @_@