[Action for housemates, neighbors are free to hear Hawkeye smack her Not!husband upside the head =3, later she's hitting the streets!]
[Riza Hawkeye was naturally an early riser. It was the nature of her work. Most of the time, she didn't even need an alarm; she woke just before the sun came up and was ready to go about her day. Today
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Oh? And here I thought I've been here long enough to tell who has arrived and who hasn't. Pardon me, maybe you were just hiding all this time.
[ Lust grins erupt into something that's purely sadistic. Cheshire, slasher, arrogant, and mocking all at once. The drones just continue onward. ]
There may be other bodies of various people that look like they're from home, but, in case you couldn't tell by their pathetic smiles, they aren't your friends from home. Their consciousness has been stripped, and their souls? [ enjoy the pearly whites of Lust, Hawkeye. There's nothing stopping this grin now ]
Taken. Sealed. Used to power the town. Inefficient since I'm supposed to bring them all back home, but I'll just let you deal with the facts now. [ Her smile softens into a more polite line face but with a very very subtle grin. Truth be told, she was supposed to bring them all home, that's true! Buuuut, that doesn't mean she can't strip Hawkeye of everything right now and terrify the fuck out of her. She's confident ( ... )
At least she has the nerve to not outwardly panic; the only reaction that would betray her otherwise calm facade was the tension in her shoulders. Again, her gaze travels to look at the drones who are ignoring the heated conversation.
She swallows at the thought of prisoners being used for the energy source of the town, her mind flashing back to the moments in Amestris where every person was dead, and found herself wondering if that was what it was like to feel droned.
For now, she couldn't lose her nerve, even though the thought of Mayfield being one giant Philosopher's stone operation sent chills down her spine.]
You haven't found a way to leave.
[It's more a statement than question. Knowing that Lust was just as stuck as she was meant that the homunculus couldn't be too involved in the town's disturbing scheme of collecting souls. The fact that Lust has just explained all of this--Hawkeye wonders if the homunculus wants her to do the dirty work and find the way out; use the humans like pawns just as ( ... )
Lust will just keep a calm, insulting smile, and a piercing, "Come at me bro" look in her eyes. She isn't aware of just how much Hawkeye knows, except she knows she's a homunculus.
Oh well, maybe she was from Ed's future. Instead, she just looks calm as ever. Unfazed by Hawkeye's analysis. ]
No one has. Even the ones that are now droned are still here physically. Sometimes, a person's consciousness leaves and arrives - back in the same body that's always been here. They'll remember months of things from home, but only a day or so would pass.
[ OH CURSES :( FOILED AGAIN. Time for more mindfucking ]
I never asked you to be one. Your commander provided lack-luster service, so I doubt you'd be competent. [ she sighs ] I even outlasted him here. He's nothing but one of the mindless drones that walk the streets.
[ And now she'll turn back and start walking, looking over her shoulder and smiling as she strolls ]
Have a nice day, Lieutenant.
She hesitates, listening to the explanations, her irritation with Lust growing exponentially as the conversation continues.] The Colonel is not incompetent. [She couldn't keep the words from rolling out of her mouth, her gaze ice-cold. Two could play at this game.] I suppose you've forgotten that he killed you.
[When Lust turns, Hawkeye stands, watching and waiting. She might be unarmed, but that that only redoubled her effort to not turn her back on the creature. It wasn't until Lust was far enough away to not strike her from behind that she turned and left.]
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