[Action for housemates, neighbors are free to hear Hawkeye smack her Not!husband upside the head =3, later she's hitting the streets!]
[Riza Hawkeye was naturally an early riser. It was the nature of her work. Most of the time, she didn't even need an alarm; she woke just before the sun came up and was ready to go about her day. Today
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No, I just arrived here two weeks earlier and it's a bit odd. My house is filled with drones. I'm the only girl there.
[ She'll nod ]
Alphonse said that she couldn't kill him until he crossed a certain line. If she's still searching for their return, then it's obvious she's not going to harm them. In fact... she may even... [ a groan ] protect or stalk them.
[She shakes her head, not convinced.] Unfortunately, this will likely not keep her from being emotionally cruel to any sacrifices she comes across. Lust seems to enjoy playing with humans as if they are toys.
We'll simply have to be on our guard.
[And now, she is going to go on her merry way.]
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