Ahsoka Tano,
or Why the Dean of Students has taken up day drinking.
A long time ago. In a galaxy far, far way...
The Jedi Council, in its infinite wisdom, decided that the best way to deal with Anakin Skywalker's attachment issues and fear of his loved ones dying was to give him primary responsibility of a fourteen year old girl...in a warzone.
The Hero Without Fear displaying great courage in the face of his new Padawan
Despite the fact anyone with the slightest hint of common sense could see this was a terrible plan, it actually kind of worked. While Obi-Wan gleefully enjoyed the universe gifting Anakin with exactly the kind of Pawadan he deserved. Anakin taught Ahsoka such Jedi skills as:
"'Take Ahsoka with you' he says. 'It'll be good for her,' he says"
...dealing with prisoners...
At least no one got force choked?
...the tactical importance of leaping from great heights.
Why do you even look surprised, Anakin?
Okay, so it probably helped that being raised in the Jedi Temple, Ahsoka had actually internalised a lot of Jedi philosophy better than Anakin had, and was a lot more well adjusted to begin with. Still, they were a great team, at least until Ahsoka was framed for a crime she didn't commit, and the Council kicked her out of the Order because it was politically expedient.
No gifs, too sad.
Luckily, Anakin saved her from execution by getting the real culprit to confess, and the Council offered to let Ahsoka back into the order, but strangely enough an apology that consisted of "We thought we were throwing you under the bus, but it was really the Force testing you," did not restore Ahsoka's shaken faith in the Order and herself, and she left.
My feels.
Maybe she might have eventually returned on her own, but then someone fucked up big time...
Anakin, no!
Which is where Ahsoka is coming from. While eventually she's going to get in touch with Bail Organa and help found the Rebel Alliance, and even more eventually spend some time being ex-Padawans with
uncertain_dume, right now, she's seventeen, and within the very recent past the vast majority of her friends and family were slaughtered...including Anakin and Obi-Wan.
Yeah, she's in for some awkward times ahead.
Still it could be worse...
Ahsoka has the full standard Jedi kit of Force powers, though like Kanan, she's probably not going to be be too open to begin with...though that's likely to pass a whole lot quicker in her case. She also spent a good two years as a commander in the Clone Wars (because the Jedi have never, ever heard of child endangerment laws, apparently) so she had a whole bunch of skills associated with that as well, and of course being Anakin's Padawan meant she got a whole bunch of pilot and mechanic training thrown in.
Further, as you may have noticed from all the gifs, she's not human, she's Togruta, and those horns montrals on her head mean she's got super awesome spatial awareness even without the whole Jedi thing.
However unlike the other Jedi types on the island, Ahsoka currently does not have a lightsaber (not even Kanan's broken in half one) because she lost her old ones when she left the Order, and getting the crystals for new ones is...problematic in the Empire. But she's going to make new ones eventually.
So shiny...
Just not yet.