Name Ali
gender Female
age 20
likes dunno... cats? chocolate? bishounen? rock music
dislikes bigots, George W Bush, orange food, dance music, rap music
Favorite and least favorite foods love chocolate, hate oranges
Favorite and least favorite animals love Lions, hate insects and Aracnids of all kinds
Hobbies? collecting comic books, making AMVs, Drawing, Music
interests? Anime, RPGs, 2D Beat-em-ups
How do you like to dress? casual, different, generally in jeans and a black top
What is your nationality? British
What sports are you into? Tennis
What languages have you studied or are proficient in? French, Spanish and a little bit of Japanese
Are you single or on the prowel or happily taken? dating
How sexual are you? that's very personal question... i'd say quite sexual given the opportuinty
Do you like to be alone or with friends? depends on my mood
Leader or Follower? depends on my mood
Immature or more Mature? depends on my mood *is a broken record*
What kinds of activities do you like to do for fun? shopping, drawing, singing, going to London, going to the arcade/bowling, hanging with friends and going to the cinema
Are you more outspoken or reserved? reserved
You into drugs/partying/alcohol a lot, or stay away from that? i have alcohol occasionally
Bad girl/boy or goody-goody? a bit of both ^_~
More for girls Do you/others consider you more cute or pretty? i have no idea, though i have been called sexy before
More for girls Are you tomboyish or more girly? both at times! lol
More for guys Do you/others consider you more rugged/manly or not?
More for guys If you're sometimes considered a bit feminine, in what ways?
What other video game genres are you into? RPGs, Shooters (e.g. time crisis)
Your favorite capcom and/or snk guys Ken Masters, E Honda
Your favorite snk and/or capcom girls Chun li, Hokuto
Least favorite characters? Dahlsim, Sagat, M Bison
* Who do YOU see yourself most as? Note, this is optional and really only helpful if we're really stuck in rating youSakura (the Street fighter one) or Karin Kanzaki
Who do you NOT see yourself as? dunno, anyone male i suppose! lol
Shameless plug area for websites/interesting sites of your choice
Anything else you'd like us to know? Interesting anecdotes? Here is the space for it
Please post at least 2 of them
(bear in mind this is about 4 years old)
i don't have another photo but i do look almost exactly like this person here