Name Kattu (Kathleen to be technical)
gender Female
age Nineteen years old
likes the Internet, friends, video games, some anime, movies, books and cute things
dislikes douchebags and violence
Favorite and least favorite foods My favorite food is definately candy because I have a sweet tooth. My least favorite food definately is lima beans - I just can't stand their texture and taste!
Favorite and least favorite animals My favorite animals are definately felines - tigers, lions, kittens, etc. My least favorite animals are crows. Their cries are always so irritating to hear.
Hobbies? Roleplaying, reading, writing, having fun, hanging out with friends, trying to draw, giving others inspiration for things, playing video games & computer games, blogging, forum browsing, buying things, messing around with html, exploring new places, trying new things, traveling, and probably a lot more that I can't remember.
interests? way too many things to list. Just take a look at the hobbies list and go from there? :D
How do you like to dress? Whichever is comfortable. Some days I'll wear baggy pants, other days I'll wear jeans and sometimes I wear long skirts that reach the ground. All the same sort of shirts though - those being 'baby tee's' or whatever the term for them is.
What is your nationality? American
What sports are you into? None really. Nothing really stuck as a fun thing to do.
What languages have you studied or are proficient in? I've studied only a bit of Spanish in school, but plan to learn German, French, Italian and many other languages.
Are you single or on the prowel or happily taken? I am single, but I have many choices to chose from, unfortunely. =/
How sexual are you? Not very.
Do you like to be alone or with friends? I enjoy being around people but I can only be around them for so long before I get irritated and want my privacy.
Leader or Follower? A little bit of both, depending on the situation. Mostly a follower because I don't like to screw things up.
Immature or more Mature? Mostly mature, but I tend to show a lot of immaturity on the Internet.
What kinds of activities do you like to do for fun? Check the hobbies?
Are you more outspoken or reserved? Depends on who I am speaking with. Close friends I am more reserved with, as well as strangers, but the friends in between I'm more outspoken with.
You into drugs/partying/alcohol a lot, or stay away from that? I stay away from it. Tried it a couple of times and not too fond of it.
Bad girl/boy or goody-goody? I do a little bit of both here as well. I'm planning to dye my hair red and do things considered 'bad' like piercing my body, but I'm mostly goody-goody. I enjoy studying and take things seriously.
More for girls Do you/others consider you more cute or pretty? Eh, I can't really say. I get told often I am cute and other times, I'm told I'm pretty. It just depends on which picture I show them or what mood I'm in when we hang out, I imagine.
More for girls Are you tomboyish or more girly? I use to be a real big tomboy, but I've slowly started to enjoy wearing cute skirts and dresses and wanting jewerly.
More for guys Do you/others consider you more rugged/manly or not?
More for guys If you're sometimes considered a bit feminine, in what ways?
What other video game genres are you into? Roleplaying games, strategy, action, first person shooters, all sorts. Just depends on what is looking good at the time and what friends recommend.
Your favorite capcom and/or snk guys It's K'Dash from King of Fighters definately. I look at his storyline and can't help but feel intrigued by all of it. Plus, the dark skin + white hair is a beautiful combination.
Your favorite snk and/or capcom girls I like a lot of the girls naturally, but my favorites are definately Yuri Sakazaki, Kula Diamond and Athena - all from King of Fighters. I can relate with all of them and love their characters. Although I am quite interested by Moe Habana, but there just isn't enough material with her in it.
Least favorite characters? Leona, but it's a personal thing. I was really mad at someone in real life and was told to just pretend Leona was this character. So anytime I fight Leona in game, I just feel this sort of rage that I can release with beating her up.
* Who do YOU see yourself most as? Note, this is optional and really only helpful if we're really stuck in rating you I am not really sure. A lot of my friends relate me with Kula Diamond, but that just might be because she's my favorite character. Personally, I feel I could relate with May Lee from King of Fighters.
Who do you NOT see yourself as? I can't stand it when people relate me to Cammy. I just don't see the similiarities at ALL!
Shameless plug area for websites/interesting sites of your choice
fighting_icons - a community for fighting game icons.
mood_mania for a wide assortment of mood themes ^^;
Anything else you'd like us to know? Interesting anecdotes? Here is the space for it
Hm, I am not really sure if there is anything else I could put in. I don't really have any family, I live in the country of New York after living in cities for all of my life, I like caffiene and eating healthy food. I guess this is just about it xD
Please post at least 2 of them
And the LOLMYSPACEJOKE picture here;
Just because I wear my hair up too much and figured I'd throw one in with my hair down.
Also, if you'd like some help with graphics or anything with the community, I'd love to help. I have an awful lot of free time for these sorts of things~