Name Camille
gender woman
age 21
likes Art, Animation, Video Production, Comic Books, Video Games, some anime, alternative music, atlernative and indie just about anything else, tattoos, 80's cartoons, 80's music
dislikes Closed Minded and controlling individuals
Favorite and least favorite foods I'm not really picky, although I hate eggplant
Favorite and least favorite animals I love penguins, and black panthers, not so much a fan of squirrels and rabbits
Hobbies? Animating, Video Production, Drawing, video games,
interests? A cross between my hobbies and my likes
How do you like to dress? in pants/slacks. Combat boots, vests, arm warmers, biker gloves, gangster hats, white blouses with ruffles, anything black, pinstripes, anything with flared sleeves or pant legs. Tactical vests, gothic crosses, I have 8 holes in my ears so I like to have earrings in all of my piercings. I like to wear my hair over one eye.
What is your nationality? 75 percent Mexican, 25 percent white ^^;;
What sports are you into? running, martial arts, fencing, basketball
What languages have you studied or are proficient in? Spanish, took a year of Japanese
Are you single or on the prowel or happily taken? happily taken
How sexual are you? I'm sexual, but I prefer to keep it private. Sex isn't that important to me.
Do you like to be alone or with friends? With good friends
Leader or Follower? leader
Immature or more Mature? mature
What kinds of activities do you like to do for fun? create art, video games, read
Are you more outspoken or reserved? outspoken
You into drugs/partying/alcohol a lot, or stay away from that? I drink if there's an occasion, and I party if there's an occasion. I'm not a frat/soroity moron though, I dont like to not have control over my actions/body
Bad girl/boy or goody-goody? I do what needs to be done. I don't associate with either label
More for girls Do you/others consider you more cute or pretty? I don't like the word cute
More for girls Are you tomboyish or more girly? I am what I am. I'm not "girly" I refuse to wear dresses
More for guys Do you/others consider you more rugged/manly or not?
More for guys If you're sometimes considered a bit feminine, in what ways?
What other video game genres are you into? besides fighting? Strategy
Your favorite capcom and/or snk guys Vega, Remy,
Your favorite snk and/or capcom girls King, Vice, Whip, Yuri
Least favorite characters? Dhalism, Sakura, Bison, Zangief
* Who do YOU see yourself most as? Note, this is optional and really only helpful if we're really stuck in rating you I don't really know ^_^;;
Who do you NOT see yourself as? Blanka ^_^ LOL
Shameless plug area for websites/interesting sites of your choice!!!
Anything else you'd like us to know? Interesting anecdotes? Here is the space for it None that I haven't already mentioned. I'm bisexual and I'm an animator. Guess that's it LOL
posing for the camera ^_^
glare o_o
Me in one of my films