(no subject)

May 24, 2005 18:32

Name : Tempest. No, you don't get my real name. Maybe if you ask me nicely and I know you. =p
gender : Male
age : 25
likes : Kitties, Fiddling with music, Video Games, Cosplay, intelligent women, a lot more in my user info. xP
dislikes : Unneeded Violence (but will fight if nessacary), Stupid people, smoking, being poor.
Favorite and least favorite foods : Love Meat, and Sushi, hate most seafood like Lobster and Crab.
Hobbies? : Learning Bass, Singing, Video Games, Training, Eating. Wow, I'm boring.
What is your nationality? : Native American, Italian, Irish
What languages have you studied or are proficient in? : English.
Are you single or on the prowl or happily taken? : Single. Hating it.
How sexual are you? ; I'm very flirty with people I know, but usually shy.
Do you like to be alone or with friends? : I like to be with friends, but I'm usually the quiet one in the back. I might spout off randomly and usually surprise people when I talk.
Leader or Follower? : Neither. I do my own thing.
Immature or more Mature? : I can be both.
What kinds of activities do you like to do for fun? : Train, play baseball/hockey, video games, write music
Are you more outspoken or reserved? : Reserved. Very reserved.
You into drugs/partying/alcohol a lot, or stay away from that? : I drink on occasion.
Bad girl/boy or goody-goody? : Oh, I'm bad.
More for girls :Do you/others consider you more cute or pretty?
More for guys :Do you/others consider you more rugged/manly or not? No, I'm bish.
Your favorite capcom and/or snk guys : Iori. Oh, more? Um, Ken, Yamazaki, Dong Hwan, Joe Higashi, K', Ash, Shen Woo, Ramon, Charlie, Remy, Necro, Yashiro
Your favorite snk and/or capcom girls : Vanessa, Kula, Leona, Malin, Shermie, Angel, Karin, Cammy, Morrigan, Felicia, Juli, Does Poison count?
Least favorite characters? : Kyoooooo. *growl* Ryo, Ryu, Dhalsim. E. Honda, Duo Lon.
* Who do YOU see yourself most as? Note, this is optional and really only helpful if we're really stuck in rating you : Iori.
Who do you NOT see yourself as? : Kyo.
Shameless plug area for websites/interesting sites of your choice : www.shoryuken.com
Anything else you'd like us to know? Interesting anecdotes? Here is the space for it : Eh. I have a dark sense of humor. Very sarcastic, people always think i'm insulting them, but really I like them.


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