(no subject)

May 25, 2005 23:44

Name Bernice
gender Female
age 20
likes Archery, history, reading, cute fuzzy creatures, having fun, respectful people, ice cream, chocolate, sushi, swords and south east asian culture
dislikes being sick, humidity, cowards, oppressive people, injustice and bad hygiene
Favorite and least favorite foods Favourite foods are sushi, chocolate, and ice cream... my least favourite food is sauerkrat and most processed foods
Hobbies? Archery, reading, writing poetry and hanging out with friends
interests? Myths, legends, languages, archaeology, kendo, and archery
What is your nationality? Asian
What sports are you into? Archery, rugby, kendo and soccer
What languages have you studied or are proficient in? besides English... French, German, Tagalog, Sioux and Japanese
Are you single or on the prowel or happily taken? Happily taken... by one of the greatest guys ^_^
How sexual are you? Most times I feel like a cute, horny hentai girl
Do you like to be alone or with friends? Usually alone... unless animals count as friends
Leader or Follower? Neither. I'm not following anyone, nor am I leading.
Immature or more Mature? Both. Mostly immature, but when times call for it, I'm mature.
What kinds of activities do you like to do for fun? Probably read, surf the 'net or daydream (lately it's about being a falconer)
Are you more outspoken or reserved? Depends on the person and my mood.
You into drugs/partying/alcohol a lot, or stay away from that? I've stay away from the drugs and alcohol part, although I am a social drinker and I don't shun them... I can be a partier
Bad girl/boy or goody-goody? Tries to be a goody-goody, if I do something bad it's with good intentions.
More for girls Do you/others consider you more cute or pretty? Cute. I don't think I'm pretty at all.
More for girls Are you tomboyish or more girly? Both. I'm tomboyish on the outside, but I'm sensitive and girly on the inside.
More for guys Do you/others consider you more rugged/manly or not?
More for guys If you're sometimes considered a bit feminine, in what ways?
What other video game genres are you into? MMORPG (currently and for a long while, RO), RPGs and strategy
Your favorite capcom and/or snk guys Ken
Your favorite snk and/or capcom girls Chung Li and Nakoruru (after another rating community nearly rated me as her I became curious... my bf lent me Samurai Showdown and I fell in love with her ^_^)
Least favorite characters? One of the bad guys? I can't really think of one right now.
* Who do YOU see yourself most as? Note, this is optional and really only helpful if we're really stuck in rating you Nakoruru? *shrugs* I'm open to possibilities
Who do you NOT see yourself as? Blanka and Dhalsim
Shameless plug area for websites/interesting sites of your choice bash.org
Anything else you'd like us to know? Interesting anecdotes? Here is the space for it I want to be a falconer!


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