things that make me happy:
Snow days
Mike and I running through my house yelling while my parents look on helplessly
Driving my dad's car for the week :)
not having to do hw
Watching 100 Greatest Teen Stars for 5 hours straight
Prom Dresses
Making money
Mike doing the "Mr. Kummer Yell"
Vacation in 5 days
Round-A-Boot 2006. (i'm updating with pics in a couple minutes, just putting the pics on the computer now)
Things to look forward to:
Florida in a month
Prom dress shopping
Red Sox
Things I hate:
Feeling self-conscious
Being alone
Isolating myself
Not losing weight fast enough
Skenyon's essay
Being a failure at school
Not getting enough Sleep
Not having Ethics w/ Mr. Guernon anymore :*(
Pressure for college from EVERYONE
People named AMANDA BUSHARD!!!
i'm loading pictures of Round-A-Boot 2006 right now, so that should be done tonight.
Quote of the Day: *I'm standing in the living room smiling cause of the snowday tomorrow, my mom walks in:
"Stop being happy you little shit!"
I know it sounds awful and abusive, but the way she said it was so funny. ok, i'm going to have dinner then updating about Round-A-Boot 2006