There's this weird guy in Slytherin named that I call Frenchy. It's really odd, but he's actually decent enough if he's not strangling me or going all around nutters. Weird for a Slytherin. Not the strangling and nutters bit, that's pretty common. That he's not bad. I guess there's a few good Slytherin. Maybe they just got sorted wrong like Al. Still, I don't want to go advertising me making friends being around them all that much. Al would have a hissy fit if I up and got a Slytherin friend person to hang around with after I messed with him about the sorting.
He's going to train me up a bit so I'll be even BETTER at Quidditch than I already am. Hard to imgagine, isn't it? I might even get to do flips and stuff on my broom! In return I'm gonna teach him a little magic appreciation, James style. He's never even been to the Forbidden Forest! That's definitely gonna change. I don't think I'll show him the map yet though. Haven't even shown Oscar that yet.
He wants to go into the Muggle military. Like I said, a few twigs short of a broomstick, he is.
Oscar's a fruit bowl wearing prat, and I hope Teddy sang until he puked.
But we still get to use your room for "studying" and all that, right Teddy?