(no subject)

Sep 05, 2005 18:03

T E L L M E :

The color of most of the clothes you own: Umm probably blue, black, or white.

The number of pillows you sleep with every night: i start with two and end up with none
What will you be doing in 1 hour: Hopefully taking a shower.

What room you are in at this very moment: my bedroom

What you were doing 12 am last night: talking to fez and macu on the phone and I think I was chatting online and updating my livejournal.

How old you will be in 10 years: 26.

D E S C R I B E :

What your teeth look like: Ummm? like teeth.

What you're wearing: a bra and a skirt

What you think you'll be doing in 10 years: destroying some shit partying being drunk living life

D E S C R I B E F O R M E Y O U R :

CD player: It's just average.

Wallet: my bra.

Alarm clock: black with big digital red numbers

Hair: brown thick and i have split ends .

Toothbrush: pink.

Computer: Crappy.

Bed: qeen with a mirror on the headboread and it's black.

Notebook: I have a few notebooks.

W H A T C O L O R I S / A R E :

Your nails: Clear.

Your eyes: brown .

D O Y O U :

Like riddles: No.

Like trampolines: Yes.

Burn or tan: Both.

Wear braces: no.

Check your mail regularly: yeah .

F I R S T :

Real memory of something: No idea.

Car: the bus.

Job: i don't work for the man

Screen name: .:Rochanda:.

Piercing/Tattoo: , ear piercing,nose i jsut don't wear rings anymore

Independent home: N/A

Love: I've never really been in love.

Enemy: Probably kirstyann.

Big trip: cail.

Play/musical/performance: 8th grade
L A S T :

Cigarette: when ever i get done with the one i am smoking now

Good cry: back in 8th grade

Library book checked out: I got like 5.

Movie seen: the day before yestarday

Book read: the coldest winter ever

Time you were sick: A few days ago.

Person you yelled at: My brother.

Beverage drank: coor light beer

Crush: oscar

TV show watched: I don't know.

Shoes worn: Flip-flops.

CD played: my mix cd

Item bought: A slurpee.

Annoyance: My brother.

Disappointment: machu

Soda drank: this mornig

Thing written by hand: a letter that's never going to be sent to him

Key used: backspace

Word spoken: what

Ice cream eaten: Cookie dough.

Time showered: this morning

Time amused: Now.

Time wanting to die: last night

Time in love: :-)

Time hugged: Last night.

Time scolded: A few hours ago.

Time resentful: I don't know.

Chair sat in: This one.

Time danced: a few seconds ago

Poster looked at: my cheap sex poster

P I C K B E T W E E N :

Pen or pencil: Pencil.

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.

Butter or cream cheese: Butter.

Leader or follower: leader

Hot or cold: cold

Summer or winter: Summer.

1 or 2: 2.

First or last: First.

Top or bottom: Top.

R A N D O M N E S S :

Are you paranoid: No. Yes. I don't know.
I've donated blood more than three times.
I don't affiliate with any religion.
I love the taste of alcohol.
I've said prejudicial things before to people of a different ethnicity.
I still ask the doctor for a sticker when I go for an exam.
I play video games for more than 5 hours a day.
I hate talking on the phone sometimes.
My favorite place to be is sleeping in my bed.
I like bustin' a move on the dance floor.
My computer freezes more than three times a week.
I like getting hugs more than getting kisses.
I love bolding surveys..
I'd rather play guitar than bass and bass mor thatn drums
I love boys with long hair.
I'm heterosexual.
I'm homosexual.
I'm bisexual.
West Side Story is my favorite Broadway show.
I could never come up with enough random things for a bolding survey.
I hate how Old Navy always has awesome shirts for guys, but crappy ones for girls.
I hate Old Navy.
My favorite store is Wal-Mart.
I secretly love Dungeons and Dragons.
The Fairly OddParents is my favorite show.
I can quote every single line from at least three movies.
The only time I read is when I'm forced to for school.
I don't even read when I'm forced to for school.
I preferred middle school over high school.
My favorite classic rock band is The ramones
I love city life.
I love living in rural areas.
I know someone who's been in trouble with the IRS.
I know someone who's been in trouble with the FBI.
I'm a total loser who wastes a ton of time on these surveys.
My first name starts with Q-Z.
I still live at home.
I hate team sports.
I disagree with the war in Iraq.
I'm a U.S. citizen.
My favorite animal in the zoo is the elephant.
I'd rather work with old people than little kids.
I don't have a driver's license yet.
I don't have a job.
I never want to work at a fast food restaurant.
I've never read a single Harry Potter book.
I've listened to Jimi Hendrix.
My favorite video game is an RPG.
At sometime in my life, I wanted to be an astronaut.
I believe that there is some other life out there.
The thought of aliens scares me.
My high school is fairly small.
I can't remember what the last movie I saw in theaters was.
I eat tons of junk food.
I don't exercise as much as I should.
At one point, I wanted to join the military.
I have no idea what "Semper Fi" means.
I'm addicted to surveys.
I've heard the song "Octopus's Garden" by the Beatles.

( YOU )

{x} Name: roshaunda
{x} Birthdate: 1/4/90
{x} Birthplace: soel,korea
{x} Current Location: My house.
{x} Eye Color: brown
{x} Hair Color: brown.
{x} Zodiac Sign: cap.


{x}Music: punk
{x}Cartoon: The Simpsons.
{x}Color: Black, purple, pink.
{x}Slurpee Flavor: cherry..
{x}Song: Too many.
{x}Language: spanish even tho i am horrbie at it
{x}Food: Mac n cheese
{x}Beverage:wallstreet miked with sobe
{x}Ice Cream Flavor: cookies and cream


{x}The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
{x}The Best Name for a Butler: manley
{x}The wussiest sport: horse shoes
{x}Your best feature: my wrists
{x}Your bedtime: Whenever.
{x}Your greatest fear: Losing people I love.
{x}Your greatest accomplishment: Not sure.
{x}Your most missed memory: Those days before we even got together.


{x}Take a shower everyday?: Yes.
{x}Do you think you've been in love?: No.
{x}Like high school?: no
{x}Want to get married: Yes.
{x}Type with your fingers on the right keys?: Yes.
{x}Believe in yourself?: Yes.
{x}Have any tattoos/: No.
{x}Have any piercings: Yes,
{x}Get motion sickness?: Sometimes.
{x}Like thunderstorms? : Yes.


{x}Age you hope to be married: Whenever.
{x}Numbers and Names of Children: any even number the girl will prob be ebanisa or alexis i don't know about he boys yet
{x}Where do you see yourself at age 40?: married to my boyfriend since teen years at least 2 kids in a happy lovig realtion ship with good family vaules and happy kids
{x}Describe your Dream Wedding: Night. Under the moonlight.
{x}How do you want to die?: having sex with a drug overdose
{x}What do you want to be when you grow up?: something with music and art
{x}What place would you most like to visit?: astrodamn


{x}Best eye color?: brown
{x}Best hair color?: dark
{x}Short or long hair?: Medium. to long
{x}Best height?: Preferably taller then me or same height
{x}Best articles of clothing?:belts
{x}Best first date location?: Wherever.
{x}Best first kiss location?: The rain<3

( ETC )

{x}When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?: Last night.
{x}How many houses have you lived in?: 2.
{x}How many relationships have you had?: 4
{x}What's the longest relationship you've ever had?: 5 months, but I wouldn't really consider if a relationship. It was a stupid jr. high thing.
{x}How many schools have you gone to?: 3.
{x}What color is your bedroom carpet?: tan.
{x}Would you shave your head for $5000 dollars?: yeah
{x}If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take?: a male friend, food, and water.


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