
Sep 19, 2005 00:55

I've realized that I haven't updated this with a real entry for a long time. School's been going okay so far. Band camp was hilariously awesome (as usual). My room is awesome...it's a single again, and it's about twice the size of my room last year...so visitors are welcome (Cincinnati people, I'm talkin to you!) Classes are good, I'm taking ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

cyhiraeth8 September 19 2005, 13:52:55 UTC

Love ya, Gopher!!


anydreamwilldo September 19 2005, 14:52:13 UTC
I was bron in Louisville too! I feel like we already had this conversation. Over the summer I left Aubrie a facebook message saying that I hoped she was having fun in the city where all the best people in the world are born (ie. you, her, me). Anyway, one of the many reasons that Walmart is the devil is its power to make us buy stuff that we don't need. Byt he way, I totally thought that calendar was going to make a much dirtier comparison between men and bagpipes, but I'm glad it didn't. It was still funny and SO TRUE. Stupid me. Stupid bagpipes.
Laura, I love it when you dominate my friends page. :D I should come by your room and tell stories all the time...I love telling stories! :D And since I'm in Scheide so much, you know, practicing and all...HA! But still, I should come by. And now I will take your quiz (well, it's not realyl a quiz, but, you know what I mean) because there are things more exciting than homework.


austinbaby28 September 19 2005, 20:44:11 UTC
Coopylicious. I will come visit you. Once I find the time and money to do so.


tennisizluv September 19 2005, 22:13:55 UTC
i love it when you update laura *muah*

and yeah, it took me a freaking year to write mine, but i figured that many people didn't want to be tagged, plus i don't have that many friends on lj. ha.

i miss you and love you, but you know that already, i hope. :)


phairy September 20 2005, 02:39:19 UTC
story time= fun time


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