Title: No One Else
snoopypezCharacters/pairing: Logan.
Rating: uh, G? heh.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers/Warnings: Welcome Wagon, aka.. third season premiere.
Disclaimer: I own nooothing. If I did, would Logan be the way he was in this episode?
Note: I totally wrote this at 4:30 AM last night. Ugh.
Logan is very busy these days.
He has to brood over his father's sudden death, wondering who did it. Not that Logan really blames anyone for wanting Aaron dead; lord knows he's wanted it enough. He has to worry about Dick's mental health - such as it ever was - and have sex with Veronica.
It's no wonder he has yet to make it to class.
But even with such a full schedule, when that new guy shows up at the mall wearing Duncan's shirt, Logan still finds the time to feel like he's been kicked in the stomach.
(cough. The lameass title just comes from me shortening "No one else may care that Duncan - my REAL BFF - is gone forever, but I do, so fuck you all!" in Logan's voice. ;P)