Okay, so it was more than a day. But this is what's been accomplished so far in Rhynn's room, by Mom,
trotfox and a little bit by me :) They let me paint as long as I was in the garage. And I was allowed to dust and decorate.
Trotfox still working on the dresser assembly, but done with the crib, changing table and hutch. Also, the walls were white last week, but thanks to Mom, Trot and Phoenix, they're now sage green, sunshine yellow, and a periwinkle/lavendar chair rail.
Without the flash, and a better view of my sweetheart's best side. *grinnnnnn*
The corner with the changing table (which StorkCraft calls a "Combo Tower" for some reason) and crib:
The crib:
The hutch with various gifts on it so far - as much of the closet as I can dig through before having to have Trot move the storage boxes in there for me too:
The picture frame my mom made for Rhynn, the R.L.Stevenson poem "The Swing" that my Grandmother used to sing to me when she pushed me on a swing:
Oy. This is not the right baby.
But he's so cute.