Sure you can. Luxembourg Deux is eminent. And I am not crazy, just slightly deranged with the Napoleonisms that are certainly going to come. The Picture shows it all.
-PSSSH! Try telling all that to the members of T.G.A.G.E.O.E.L. That is: The Great And Glorious Empire Of Everlasting Lichtenstein! So great, that they had to capitalized all the conjunctions!
I shant waste my time conquering so silly a country, though after the Big Little Three (BLT) (Lux., And., Mon.), I may mercifully allow them to join me. And I have adopted the name Kaiser by the way because it means Caesar, and I am not aiming to lead as in Fuhrer but to empire like a Caesar. It fits the Holy Roman Part.
King Mark Edward is English, but that name sound a tad excessive. I should think that Marc Edvard von Baranov, to revert to my roots would be better. Of course Marcus Aurelius could fit if I was to assume name. The Kaiser is not to be disputed, except by you of course because you are Robert Moroto, the only and the great.
Comments 9
And I love shiny.
Can I live in Luxembourg Deux?
S'il fait de shine, nous en acheterons, ou nous conquererons tout.
If it shines, we will buy some, or we will conquer all.
Quand il pleut, mon chat dit "Meow".
When it rains, my cat says "Meow".
That one takes into account the Surreal aspects of the new utopia. I believe it is more fitting,
Mark Edward, Kaiser
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