As posted on my MySpace blog... but with pics!
06/03 (Tuesday)
Afternoon: Pick up Hannah from Lincoln train station. Go back to my house, then out to Nandos.
Evening: We go to see Russell Howard at the Engine Shed. He rocks, but gets a bit upset at a particularly nasty heckle.
07/03 (Wednesday)
Morning: I have an assessed interview at uni
Afternoon: Hannah and I make the three-hour journey to Birmingham. We check into our hotel
Evening: We see Tim at the Glee Club, then go for a drink with him afterwards. He is brilliant and lovely. I lose my wallet for a moment, and my cow is stolen.
My cow:
Pics from the pub:
08/03 (Thursday)
Morning: Hannah decides she wishes to come to Tim's Swindon gig, so we start looking into this possibility.
Afternoon: I make the journey back to Lincoln.
09/03 (Friday)
Morning: Wake up with breathing difficulties and chest pains. Ignore it... not a good time to be ill. Walk to post office, then to uni for a workshop.
Afternoon: Make 5-hour journey to Salisbury. Feel progressively ill. Call my dad from London to tell him how sick I am. Almost die in Clapham Junction.
Evening: Hospital. Oxygen. Tests. Xray. Diagnosis. Drugs. Home.
10/03 (Saturday)
Morning: Sleep. Feel generally much better.
Afternoon: pick Hannah up from Salisbury station. Buy hat. Pick English Sarah up from her house. Go to Swindon.
Evening: See Timmy's final show of the tour. It is a brilliant gig with a lovely audience.
Pics from Swindon (black and white to hide how sickly I looked:
11/03 (Sunday)
Morning: Have stopped feeling better. Too ill to go with Hannah back to train station
Afternoon: Ill
Evening: Iller.
12/03 (Monday)
Morning: Realise I'm not well enough to go back to Lincoln as planned. Cough up blood. Go to doctors. Find out drugs have stopped working. Get new drugs. Get warned by doc that new drugs will make me feel ill while really making me better.
Aftenoon: Sleep
Evening: Sleep.
13/03 (Tuesday)
Morning: Write this blog.