
Mar 31, 2007 20:31

oh yeah and blackcat just sprayed in the corner of my room, again, because she's stressed out with the cats that like hanging around in her front garden. lunarra, your chloe is one of the culprits! althouh she's not as nasty as the weird litte oriental one which just stares at blackcat and makes horrible noises. that one i chuck water at ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

jamesyinabox April 1 2007, 21:11:15 UTC
I knew i could smell cat piss..seriously..i thought i was just going nuts.


snowberries April 1 2007, 21:31:36 UTC
nah i doubt you can smell it from my room, i hardly ever even smell it when she has done it, her spray isn't very urine-y. i only know if she's done it if i see her or stand in it :/ its never much, either. if you're smelling cat piss it's probably from whatever bastard pisses around the front door. need to get a sprinkler system that only comes on when cats go past :D


jamesyinabox April 1 2007, 21:38:31 UTC
Im sure i could smell it in the kitchen..a peroxide type smell.


snowberries April 1 2007, 21:39:57 UTC
oh yeah that'll be the cat litter, i'll change it in the morning.


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