
Nov 02, 2007 20:33

i got run over yesterday on my way to college. i'm ok but i had to go to hospital for a head x-ray. i wanted the x-rays back so i could use them as posters in the new flat, but they now do them on the computer apparently. disappointing.

there is an inordinate amount of weirdos in this city.

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Comments 11

hughe November 2 2007, 21:29:32 UTC
you got run over!!??!?!

you ok?


guyinahat November 2 2007, 22:10:51 UTC
there is an inordinate amount of weirdos in this city.

I don't think I'd have it any other way.

Glad you're ok!


corriel November 2 2007, 23:40:12 UTC
Run over like someone drove on you or hit by a car or? Hope you'll be alright!


snowberries November 5 2007, 19:20:37 UTC
not flattened run over, more knocked down than run over i suppose :) thanks xx


corriel November 5 2007, 19:53:19 UTC
That happened to me years ago, pretty scary. :-/ I hope you're alright!


(The comment has been removed)

snowberries November 5 2007, 19:22:00 UTC
yeah i was so pissed off, i never had to have any x-rays as a kid so this was a first for me!
haha, thanks, you are rather pretty too, you remind me of someone i vaguely know who is really stunning :)


andabusers November 3 2007, 19:13:10 UTC
Eep, that's very scary! Glad you're ok.


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