Ok, that was an amazing episode. Answered absolutely no questions and brought about soooo many more.
Like the shark that was in the water. Why does it have the symbol that looks like a stadium? The same symbol that is on the patch of the jumpsuit Desmond is wearing?
What is up with the numbers? And the counter? What does entering the numbers on the computer reset the counter to 108?
And the polar bear again. The polar bear has to mean something. In season 1 it was on the island but I thought that was because Walt had seen it in the comic but whoa, I didnt know Michael gave him a stuffed polar bear.
I think that Desmond injects himself with that stuff to maybe prevent the sickness? Oh man I dont know.
The fact that they've been on the island 44 days has to do with something too.
But quote of the night goes to Sawyer with his "Do you have a band-aid?"