Title: Recovery (5/?)
Pairing: James/Elizabeth
Genre(s): Drama/Romance/Hurt!Comfort
Warning: Utterly AU, marriage fic, mentions of sexual assault, Elizabeth is underage by modern law. Mentions of non-con, sexual assault.
Spoilers: CotBP only
Summary: James attempts to be helpful and actually talk to his wife and is given a piece of Elizabeth's mind
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Comments 13
One of the main problems with James and Elizabeth is that they really don't communicate well, but it's good to see they're making progress! Elizabeth's tirade about James's treatment of her is entirely believable and fitting ("You do nothing but treat me like I am broken," she told him, "and so I cannot help but think that I am." comes to mind - excellently phrased, and very Elizabeth.). James's answer to her charges do much to clear the air, I think, particularly that he cares because they are marrie, not despite it ( ... )
Elizabeth always thinks of James behaviour in the worse possibly light I think, in canon his politeness is taken as boringness, so I took that and decided his concern would be treated similarily negatively.
The kitten part was a favourite of mine as well so I'm glad you liked it. But of course ELizabeth didn't want it until it expressed a similar thought about her. Luckily the kitten was easily won over.
I'm aware of the tense issues, I'm seemingly not capable of writing in one tense, and have to adjust after a part is complete. I've been through again and hopefully caught them all this time, and I know I need to go through early parts. And it's not not obnoxious at all! I'm completely ok with concrit. It's the only way I'll improve!
Again thank you again so much for the kind words. I nearly didn't post this story anywhere because I'd never posted anything in this fandom before (and only a tiny bit in another) silly I know. But I'm very glad I did and that it's enjoyed!
I keep meaning to not take so long but we'll see. *is slow*
I appreciate that James is not always the perfect, understanding husband. He tries his best, but he gets irritated and frustrated and makes mistakes. I like that Elizabeth is still stubborn but very fragile. And I especially like that you don't make light of what she's gone through, like, "OMGrape!!1! O well. Sexy tiems!!!" The sentimental moments are undercut with scenes that show the stuggle of the characters to find their way in unfamiliar waters.
And to contredict myself, major *squee* at his kissing her. (Woooo!)
The part with the cat was cute, but I sense there will be trouble when James returns from sea. A kitten is not enough to distract Elizabeth, who is still troubled.
Great chapter, can't wait for the next one!
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