Icons: Pushing Daisies, X-Files

Oct 15, 2007 10:14

Icons from the opening episodes of Pushing Daisies, and X-Files Season 3, ("Pusher", "Quagmire" and "Syzygy".) Because they put me in a good mood and it felt good to have something to post again.

* Comment/credit/share/enjoy!
* Please, do not hotlink to any of the images, or edit/alter blanks.

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pushing daisies, x-files, icons

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Comments 13

quarkz October 15 2007, 15:14:21 UTC
Love the Pushing Daisies icons! Beautiful work. Snagging #11. Thanks! :D


cerinamroth2980 October 15 2007, 17:12:59 UTC
Having trouble choosing, so I'm taking all of 'em. ( : I'm taking the XF ones, as well. Thanks! Promise to credit!


amazonsun October 15 2007, 17:41:23 UTC
HA! Great quote icons! Do more! :) Snagged #21 for now. Will credit.


zap_rousdar October 15 2007, 18:50:26 UTC
Ha, I've never even heard of Pushing Daisies and now I want to watch it.


julia_thorne13 October 15 2007, 19:26:12 UTC
saving 14, yay!


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