The weather has been gorgeous for winter, so I've gotten out in the sun a bit in the past week. Let's see.
Last weekend we biked a 30-mile loop between Pleasanton and Hayward then headed to
eto_theipi's for Rock Band on Saturday; Sunday hiked 2 hrs in Redwood park then had dinner with Saul&Arwen and Jillian&Jeff and their coworker and his girlfriend; Monday tandem biked into work; Thursday biked to work on my single. The weather has been gloriously cooperative, with clear skies, sunshine, and highs in the mid-upper 60's. I spent lots of time in short sleeves this week. (You're all enjoying the weather over on the east coast, right? Right?)
On the other hand, housemate Mitch has had the flu, so we've been trying to take extra-good care of ourselves and get lots of sleep to avoid his plague. So far so good, and he's reasonably healthy now.
*knocks frantically on the table*
We've been watching quite a bit of Buffy. Season 4 is pretty awesome for plot, and it's moving through much faster than I'd thought. I guess you never know when you'll get cancelled, so no use stringing plots out, eh? (NO spoilery comments, please!) Anyway, it's fun. Uboat is totally into it, to a hilarious extent.
We've decided we haven't done anything story-worthy in a while, so sometime in the next couple of weeks our entire house is going to lead an aesthetic life, and fully document it for Instructables. This is going to be entertaining enough that I'll save details for a separate post. But suffice it to say we'll be coordinating meals and clothes for a while.
Oh yes, and for those who read this far you get a real treat: pictures of my
Valentine's Day gift from Uboat. Tasteful, yes?
I'm hoping there's good wind this weekend, so Uboat can get generally beaten up by some kitesurfing and waves. He's in need of serious kite endorphins.
We're also trying to see
vyrin and
ariiadne and
helava and eingy for dinner tomorrow. That would be awesome. *poke*
Also, after reading everyone's responses to my previous request for decompression-from-socialization tactics, I've come to the conclusion that while the nice, restful, passive ones do work, they do so slowly for me. I need to be actively anti-social to get it out of the way fast.
helava is right about playing with the dog,
orbitalmechanic is right about the exercise,
jofish22 and
nehrlich are right about the comfort SF books, but yelling obscenities incoherently at people who offend me also works. (Probably for the best if they can't hear me; that was a strong motivator for the working from home last Mon.)