Because I am curious!
So here's how this works. I write half of a Johnny's name (either first or last name) and you fill in the blank with the other half.
For example:
I write "Watanabe."
You write "Shota," or "Reiya," or someone else I'm forgetting.
Johnnys only, and please write the first person who comes to your head. If the name means nothing to you, go ahead and leave it blank.
Poll Johnny Who? Please feel free to spread this around. The more people who answer, the more interesting it will be. :)
ETA: Sorry, but ex-Johnnys don't count. Neither do brothers of Johnnys (that takes out Ishigaki Yuma :P). Matsuda Shota is also not a member of Johnnys. :P If you think no one else is likely to know the person you've chosen, feel free to leave a comment with their group or who they are, 'cause if I don't know them, I'm probably going to ask you. ;) Educational, isn't it? ;D