I showed
this picture to
timeripple. I said "guess who that is next to Golf?" Which, considering she doesn't know who Golf and Mike ARE, might have been an unfair question. BUT. Best answer ever:
"Sci-fi test-tube baby made from the combined DNA of Hyde and Jessica Alba?"
Also, we should stop bothering poor Yamapi about his hair. It stresses him out. *LOL*
I'm too lazy to ask permission to repost, so you can just go straight to the translation and see for yourself:
here. The part where the members ask Yamapi questions. Ryo's question, specifically. And I have this article and magazine, but I can't really read it. *l*
But speaking of Yamapi's hair... I completely sold out and bought Tsubaki. Well, it's only partially selling out. I've been needing to buy new shampoo because I ran out of my old one and was stuck with leftover old-lady-lavendar which is just nasty. I was going to have to just go to the store and guess, since I can't read most of the packaging, but hey. Pi's giving out recommendations? Well, okay, why not? And my god, was he ever right! XD
After I used it for the first time, I got various comments:
Friend: "Did you get your hair cut? It looks really nice!"
Mom: "Did you blow out your hair? It looks so smooth!"
When I used it, it didn't feel particularly nice while I was using it, and in fact, felt distinctly LESS nice than other brands I've used. So I was wondering what the big deal was and went to sleep rather disappointed. But then I woke up and my hair was dry and... wow! It just felt amazing. Super soft and smooth!
So, Pi-endorsed shampoo FTW! XD
Oh, and btw, I'm kind of hyped up because I went to a GLAY concert tonight. It was so ;laskdjfl;kjas;ldgjkAMAZING I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN.
So I'm going to update on that tomorrow, because hopefully my thoughts will be a bit more coherent and less flaily-all-over-the-place.
And I feel like I had a lot more I wanted to say, but I've completely forgotten. Did I mention GLAY fried my brain? XD
ETA: Here's a GLAY PV. It reminds me of some combo of HYDE and Bad Luck in terms of the visuals, but anyway. This is the GLAY song that I know the best, and I was SO SO SO AWESOME live. In general, they were able to go from moving my heart to moving my body between one song and the next. That takes skill. Seriously.