[HP entry #3] but arthur, ...

Nov 01, 2009 14:24

merlin : but arthur, gaius and me always hug.
arthur : and what's that supposed to mean.
merlin : i mean it's okay for us to hug too!!
arthur : im not gaius, merlin.
merlin : i didnt say you were. i was just saying...
arthur : no!
merlin : *puppy eyes*
arthur : still no, merlin!
merlin : *pouts*
arthur : (oh God merlin, you love to torture me.)
merlin : *pouts more*
arthur : *glares* (i want more than hugging) *walks away*
merlin : arthuuuur *whines*

i clearly deprived of flailing and my brain has broken more and more each week.

hp entry, merlin

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