Title: That Girl
Pairing/Characters: Leeteuk/Hankyung
Rating: G
Genre: Humour
Type: Drabble
Summary: Hankyung learns the hard way that he shouldn't always trust what he sees.
Author's Notes: I'm sorry, couldn't resist. Excuse my weird humour. Also, idea came from Intimate Note XD
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Two out of the three oldest members of Super Junior were lounging around the recording studio, just taking a short breather away from their filming schedules which had been going on since early that morning. Leeteuk was trying to keep himself awake, but to no avail as he kept on nodding off every five minutes, while Hankyung disinterestedly flipped through the out-of-date magazine in his hands, wondering why he brought this copy along when he had finished it ages ago.
However, some movement occurring at the far end of the recording studio - along with a flurry of colours following it - effectively caught the Chinese man's attention, and he shot up in his seat at once, trying to get a good look at the female figure. He frowned in response when all he could see was the girl's jet black hair and her cheongsam-clad back, trying to remember the tiny glimpse of her side profile which he had caught seconds ago.
"Hyung… do you have any idea who is that girl in the cheongsam over there?" Hankyung nudged Leeteuk in the rib, causing the latter to grunt in annoyance at having his sleep disrupted. If there was someone in the group who knew about another girl lurking around their filming locations, it would be the Super Junior leader - he was, after all, friendly with every single person who wore a skirt -figuratively speaking.
"What girl…?" the other muttered sleepily, letting a wide yawn escape his mouth a split second later. He narrowed his eyes and craned his neck when Hankyung not-so-subtly pointed in the general direction of said girl, who could be seen chatting animatedly with the other staff around her and making them laugh over something she said, trying to catch a glimpse of the person that the younger man was talking about.
"Well?" Hankyung prompted, eager to know about Leeteuk's verdict. Much to his dismay, the oldest of the pair started chortling uncontrollably, apparently getting something funny that the Chinese man hadn't caught on to yet. "What are you laughing at, hyung? I don't get what's so funny about wanting to get to know a girl," he frowned.
"Hankyung, that's not a girl… That's Heechul…" Leeteuk replied in between his hysterical laughter, and the other man immediately paled in response when the face of the 'girl' in the cheongsam came into plain view. He definitely needed to consider getting his eyes checked.