posting this list up to keep other future buyers/ sellers aware of dead buyers. a brief description will be attached so that buyers/ sellers are aware of their "pattern" & not waste their time on such buyers. buyers who dont read terms & conditions will also be blacklisted.
feliccia / /
randomwordrobe@live.comdidnt bother to read T&C. left his/ her email for the white straw bag but replied "i'll pass. thanks." & "sorry. i didn't read the terms and conditions. i just saw the bag and was interested." T&C clearly stated only comment if 100% of getting the item. the statement is written twice in capitalized, large, red fonts. its also right above the "click to comment" button. impossible to miss. no excuses.
guestroomhippie / / cereal killer / 98270224 / 98372847
one of the worst dead buyers ever. left a comment saying she's interested in the supre dress. one thing to note is that she always offers a higher price. its actually $35 mailed but i offered her $30 mailed if she could pay up within 3 hours. she counter-offered at $35 meetup. wont normal people still haggle for $30 meetup? anyway, she's extremely quick in comfirming an item and equally quick in replying your emails. all UNTIL the day or time of the meetup. i requested for transfer of funds before meetup to prevent no-show & she tells me her "atm card is frozen or something" and that she doesnt have IB. so i tell her that i'll call before the meetup and i'd appreciate her response. we arrange to meet in orchard cos she tells me she "stays in town anyway". which i doubt because the meetup locations that she lists on her LJ are AMK & Woodlands. these 2 locations are NOT in town. so i call her around 5pm & as expected, she doesnt pick up. i email her and she responds about half hour later, saying that she can meetup still. i call her again but this time, she actually rejects my call, meaning that she actually saw & heard her phone ringing but pressed the "reject" button. she ceases to reply any emails after saying that she is still able to meetup even though she DOESNT pick up any calls or even mention WHERE she can meetup. she doesnt reply any email thereafter
issue resolved with buyer. thanks
nacoti / said she's "really interested" & asked for real-life pics when its already stated in BIG RED fonts that i do not take real-life pics. classic reply: "sorry! i really din see you t&c anyway just did the measurements and the skirt is too long for me. have to pass then.. truly sorry for wasting your time. gd luck in you sales.. thanks =)". WTH. the measurements were already on the spree page! these type of buyers are the reason why i DONT take real-life pics. complete waste of time
babylara / / 9665 ****
took sooo many photos of the tied-up heels for her, even stated in extreme detail (plus photos) of the defects of the heels. told me she can meetup but kept delaying for MORE than 1 week. i insisted on meetup cos i dont want buyers to complain about the item cos its not BN. everytime, i was ALWAYS the one taking the initiative to ask her when she can meetup. i even brought & packed BOTH pairs of shoes for her because she told me she was a "serious buyer". when i asked her if she's still keen & she said yes but dont want to pay for something she wont like. WTH. i ALREADY took SO MANY photos + detailed description of the shoes' condition! got so fed-up after a week that i asked her if she would just say what she wants. she said she'll email me to tell me if she's still keen. HELLO, u can just sms cos u have my number. as expected, after TWO WHOLE DAYS she NEVER emailed me & PULLED OUT of the deal. WASTED ALL MY TIME & SMS-es & CALLS.
rebekaho / NO REPLY after emailing her.
kyclaire / kuan yik /
triskadekaphobia13@hotmail.comfirstly, asked for the waist size when it was ALREADY stated on my LJ page. took 1 whole day to reply after that. then said she can transfer after 10pm (this was ANOTHER day later). so i emailed her at 12am that night cos she hadnt transferred YET. then the winner: "will u be able to make it registered mail instead? ill transfer now". hello. $18 mailed is for fast payments within ONE HOUR & she took like TWO DAYS & still wanted to bargain for $19 with REGISTERED POST. had to keep chasing her for payment then she said this "if u are postage is for registered? if not then forget it". OH. MY. GOD. told her i didnt want her business anymore & she replied "ahha who says i want to deal with u in the first place". yes i totally believe you after ur previous emails said this: "i am sincere in buying ur item", if i am not interested i would not have asked for ur account no. in the first place". in the end, she suddenly claims she buying for a friend & cant be bothered...hahaha...i totally believe that too.
yoyo /
jolly_face@hotmail.comsaid she was interested and asked for account number but NEVER REPLIED AFTER THAT. VERY INCONSIDERATE
11. / mindy green / 9234 ****
appeared to be keen on buying at 1am still, called her twice next day around 2pm, NEVER RESPONDED. Replied at 7pm: “sorry for the late reply cos im not online 24/7. hmm sorry for your time, cos i already got it from another seller.” OH YES I BELIEVE YOU. within 20 hours, you managed to seal a deal with another seller even though you KNEW i was awaiting your response!