I thought I'd never get to see this episode! It just didn't want to download! IT'S FOUR IN THE FREAKING MORNING NOW! BUT I HAVE SEEN IT! I probably should have slept first...I can go to bed now...I'll have freaking nightmares!
This was a really bizarre episode, all the mindscrewery made me think of Evangelion and that my friends is never a good thing!
So we start where we left off with Charles and his darling son Lulu up on a platform that reminds me of a level from Smash Bros Brawl...Heh...Charles was a lot better looking when he was younger that's for sure xD Take a good look there Lelouch, that'll be you one day. Time to get buying those hair rollers!
We quickly jump (there's a lot of jumping in this episode!) to Rolo taking control of the massacre situation back on Planet Earth. He's still wearing that awful outfit xD With the giant shoulders! Oh save us from those shoulders XD why why whyyy!
Back to Lelouch being smart with his mirrors. You know those were kept inside his Knightmare so he could just admire himself all the time.. This scene was very 'wtf!?-ish' it was obvious Charles wasn't dead even though he had just shot himself under Lelouch's Geass command because, too easy! I must say I really thought Lelouch was going to punch the air and say 'YES' in a really cheesy way instead of screaming at this point! Thanks again to Eclipse subs for subtitling that scream for us all xD
GO KALLEN! YOU SLAP SOME SENSE INTO THAT SUZAKU! I was most pleased at all the Suzaku that was in this episode as I honestly thought there would be nothing. Creepy Rapist!Suzaku was fun to watch xD but of course before he actually went out of control he realised he was turning into Lelouch, and that kids, is a bad thing!
Jumping again and we get to see poor V.V die D= He looked kinda weird with the short hair. That short scene leads us onto..ZOMBIE CHARLES! FREAKING ZOMBIE CHARLES! Ok so technically he's immortal but that scene just screamed Zombie xD Lulu will be having nightmares for a while, I know I will xD. So immortal Charles eh? Great he can live to spawn more children now. Oh yes and here's where the major confusion begins as Lelouch gets teleported into the Twilight Zone. That mask remind me of one of the masks from Majora's Mask...I just can't remember what it was called... Great..now I can't stop imagining Lelouch meeting the Happy Mask Seller. ¬_¬
Scene jump! To Ougi and Viletta and a bit of romance for you all. Way to fall in love with the wrong person there Ougi. It all gets a bit drama here with the talk of death and love. Enough with the tragic romances Sunrise xD Jees. More on their tragicness later (and ninja Sayoko!)
This episode really would make for a great Bohemian Rhapsody amv xD This scene with C.C, Lelouch and Charles just confused the heck out of me. I spent forever trying to figure out if that really was C.C but wha!? Is that really her wish? Because that was just so painfully obvious D= it's disappointing! But poor Lulu! He looks so sad about having to kill C.C. We get a lovely speech about death in this scene...how very...uplifting.. It was like C.C was a completely different person in this scene!
Small scene of Nunnally! I didn't really understand what was going on here, I was too busy thinking about the previous scene really! That quickly changes to Detective Suzaku off to find his beloved Zero, and boy is he pissed. But at least the poor slow boy has figured out what's going on at last! I really can't wait for episode 17! At least we know he still cares about Nunnally and worries what the Emperor will do to her when he finds out about Lelouch O_O What will he do? Eep!
Small scene of Rolo freaking out 'MY LOVER IS GONE!' Then onto freaky C.C memories world. Now see this is the kind of thing that gives me nightmares. Eep. Don't trust Nun's I think was the lesson learnt from C.C's memories XD
Quick jump back to Ougi and Viletta being attacked by Sayoko who is doing a stand up job of protecting Master Lelouch xD NINJA QUEEN! Only Ougi goes and does his stupid heroics and BAM. We get a bit of a clichéd scene of Ougi protecting Viletta and then Viletta protecting Ougi. Will they live, won't they? I'm ashamed to admit that I actually don't care xD
Back to C.C's memories and we learn that her Geass was to be Loved. Weird that her hair has always been green though xD I thought maybe it was that way because she was alien or something xD heh. We finally get to see that scene that was in one of the ending sequences of S1! Alright! Answers at last! C.C is a very angsty character indeed, and here I thought she just loved eating pizza =P Ok so was I the only person who thought something dodgy was going to happen when Charles grabbed C.C like that? I was all 'Whoa Whoa! Not in front of your kids Charles!' But it seems I was mistaken xD heh. Smutty mind is smutty! This scene was epic though. Seeing C.C about to die (at least I think that was what was happening!) and Lelouch's efforts to protect her succeeding :D Go Lulu! When he yells out he knows her true wish I hope that really does mean that it isn't her true wish to just die. COME ON C.C! WANT SOMETHING BETTER!
Jumping across to Team Schnizey and they're testing something. Any ideas what?
Back to Lulu and C.C for out epic episode cliffhanger. Heh. C.C remembers nothing! SHE'S REVERTED! Cocky C.C has turned into Shy child C.C! Hahaha! AWESOME! Have fun Lulu xD
This episode was worth the annoying wait I had to endure because of my internets wrath. Even if I am completely lost! It made up for the lack of C.C in the previous episodes as well and I always enjoy a bit of crazy Suzaku! Oooh but one thing! In the preview for turn 16 did I spy a Knight of the Round cloak that was orange? In other words...a Knight we haven't met? Or am I just hallucinating because I haven't slept yet xD ?
It's 7am! I should really sleep xD heh..I keep having dreams about Code Geass ;_; it's getting freaky now!