No other series has me yelling at the computer screen quite like Code Geass does. My poor heart can't take the strain xD
I have to admit something before I start talking about this episode...there's a whole bit in the middle when they're having that tv announcement thing that I completely ignored because I was too busy fangirling over Rolo in that suit. Even as I watch it back now to screencap it for my icons I'm still not paying attention...because Rolo...suit...glasses...AWESOME.
So here we are at episode 16, and everythings gone really confusing for me. Charles has gone missing, and we get to see his fleet of children all standing around his chair. So, they may not all be his kids in that room but I like to believe they are! Especially since I was trying to figure out who the other 16+ kids were (seeing as Lulu is the 17th successor the throne) and only came up with like five names x_x That man is...very..fertile. Heh.
How nice it is that Suzaku and Lelouch are thinking the same things <3 The only bit of joy I get from the Suzaku Lelouch relationship xD Here enters moe!C.C who I find ridiculously cute but I'm probably alone in this xD I know most of fandom hate how she's lost her personality but, anything that makes Lulu's life that bit more difficult is so much more fun to watch. Plus we get to see a bit of kind Lulu for a change.
Am I the only one that noticed how freaking HUGE Cornelia's breasts have become? Blimey she must get some major back ache. But she knows who Zero is \o/ everyone will know by the end of R2 at this rate!
Rolo's Knightmare suit is not growing on me. I still thinks it's the fugliest costume ever. It doesn't even look like it fits him properly xD Poor Rolo.
GO KALLEN GO! I may love Suzaku like burning but watching her beat the crap out of him made me laugh...a lot. Oh Suzaku, your woe is oh so delicious xD look at that face! Like a sad puppy. <3
United Federation of Nations! Is announced. Could have given it a more exciting name! But we get some good old epic Zero hand movements, and Xingke! Nice to know he's still alive xD
I was really hungry when I watched this episode...the pizza did not help. Aaah C.C is so cute when she's eating it! And what the hell is Milly doing on TV in that penguin outfit xD
Finally getting to learn a bit more about Anya. Erased memories eh? The plot thickens. We also get to see some more of Suzaku's SUPERHUMAN MOVES! SUZAKU SUPERSPEED! Catching that weapon as Lord Bradley enters and that all important question comes to me. Who the fooking ell is Lord Bradley!? The way everyone reacted to him made me feel like I should know who he is already but I guess that he's a character that they'll explain later...or something. He ain't the prettiest Knight that's for sure xD that mug makes even the Knight of One look attractive. Heh.
Kallen is getting to hear more stories of Lelouch from Nunnally, laugh all you want m'dear. He ain't coming to rescue you xD
Gino needs more screentime <3 I'm really starting to like him.
Enter the screaming banshee. Nina hasn't actually bothered me this season....UNTIL NOW. Stop sulking because Euphy loved Suzaku over you, you damn table humper. Making Suzaku go and blow up all his beloved Japanese out of spite. And no he's not Euphy's knight anymore, she's dead, GET OVER IT.
Cecile and Lloyd <3 They should have there own spin off series xD I love them so much!
C.C continues to be cute with her 'have a safe trip!' followed by more cute as Tianzi tries to read that speech <3 Then we get mysterious Ohgi is mysteriously alive and no explanation about what happened, but he's clearly up to something. Oh yes and not forgetting the attempt to bring in a new pairing in Toudou and woman whose name I do not know xD This is Sunrises attempt to bring in a new pairing after ruining all of Lelouch's with death, abduction and memory loss! =P
And here's where I stopped paying attention to the episode. Er it's safe to say I have big thing for suits and glasses. Yay Rolo!
I wonder when Schneizel and Lelouch will come face to face, if ever. I can imagine that scene being epic...heh. This is where I got lost because I was yes...stil thinking about the suit. Then of course Charles appearing snapped me back into action. Hahaha checkmate Charles. Way to piss on Zero's parade.
Lelouch the wife beater enters now! Tsk tsk, you'll die all alone with that kind of behaviour Lulu. This scene with the finger filled me a sense of sheer dread. It's looking likely that the one spoiler I was hoping would be false (and therefore allowing me to cast doubt over the other spoilers I read) will actually be proven true at some point in the next episode or two. That spells bad news for one of my favourite characters *head/desk* But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it....let's hope we never come to it...
Well done to C.C for her words of wisdom, which losely translate to 'PHONE SUZAKU YOU TWIT'
And here comes the scene that killed me xD heh. Lelouch admitting to Suzaku that he is Zero was a surprise, I thought we'd get that whole thing in next weeks episode. Is it odd that this scene broke my heart? It really doesn't take much! But Lulu with those tears in his eyes begging Suzaku for help, and Suzaku being stubborn as hell was so sad D= He needed another beating from Kallen XD 'CAN'T YOU SEE THE MAN IS BREAKING INSIDE! SAY YES DAMMIT!' Of course Suzaku wouldn't agree to it without terms....I really can't wait for next week, I'm serious O_o I can't wait. This is going to be the longest week of my life now.
Sunrise are going to cut short that meeting between Lulu and Suzaku at the most crucial point just to make me mad. I swear I read a spoiler about the scene which may just prove me right, but then again I've been having so many CG-related dreams lately that I'm beginning to forget which is which xD Fun times.
Now I'm going to go and melt somewhere. Lousy heat.