Sweet more pay!!! except that I only have one shift haaahaaa. Oh well. Maybe more in June *fingers crossed*
And I totally need to go to the gym or something... can you believe I have gained 25 pounds since december? it's nuts, and definitely has to be gone before summer. haha
You could totally come over and come swimming, if this warm weather keeps up then my pool will totally be ready soon! *yay*
i am too good for fox and fiddle! i can now use not working there as an excuse to go with all you fine people and get obnoxiously drunk and not care! hahaha!!
with leighann and i basically jobless, i'm sure we can be your motivation to get to the gym. i really want to go and all this moving/heroin chic living is making me slugglish and full of nothing but bad foods.
i'll call you soon and we'll see what we can work out!
Comments 2
And I totally need to go to the gym or something... can you believe I have gained 25 pounds since december? it's nuts, and definitely has to be gone before summer. haha
You could totally come over and come swimming, if this warm weather keeps up then my pool will totally be ready soon! *yay*
with leighann and i basically jobless, i'm sure we can be your motivation to get to the gym. i really want to go and all this moving/heroin chic living is making me slugglish and full of nothing but bad foods.
i'll call you soon and we'll see what we can work out!
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