This week's challenge is The Outsider POV. All your drabbles must focus on how people/objects/whatever observe Snape and Lupin together.
And since this is our 250th challenge (how times flies) the person who writes the most drabbles will receive prizes. These will definitely include the very cute keyring of Sumi, one of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and Paralympics mascots as seen
here, and whatever other Olympic/Vancouver merchandise I happen to come across :D
You have until Midnight Pacific Time next Tuesday 9th March to write your drabbles and the winner shall be declared shortly thereafter.
As usual when running these special challenges please only post to either livejournal or insanejournal for this week (only so I don't end up counting the same drabble twice).
All other normal comm rules apply. Happy drabbling!
ETA: *slaps own wrist* And of course we accept drawbles too, so if you'd like to draw for this challenge go ahead. The person who draws the most will also receive a prize.