Girl Power: The Nineties Revolution In Music by Marisa Meltzer.
The Patriot Witch (Book One of the Traitor to the Crown trilogy) by C.C. Finlay.
Power Girl: A New Beginning and Power Girl: Aliens and Apes by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Amanda Conner.
Strangers On a Train by Patricia Highsmith.
5 and 6.
Shadowbridge and Lord Tophet by Gregory Frost.
Cap Wigington: An Architectural Legacy in Ice and Stone by David Vassar Taylor and Paul Clifford Larson.
The Hearts of Horses by Molly Gloss.
The Telling by Ursula K. Le Guin. This is the last of the Hainish/Ekumen books so far, unless The Eye of the Heron falls in the same universe, but Le Guin herself doesn't seem sure of that. It's also the one I've read that comments most directly on our world and our time. The Earth that Sutty, an Ekumen Observer, comes from is one that's been torn to pieces by religious violence; she finds an echo of that on Aka, where the Corporation State has done its best to wipe out history, literature, and all the traditional ways from before contact with the Ekumen. At the novel's start Sutty is so broken down by personal heartbreak and the impossibility of doing her job in a place where culture is forbidden that I found her difficult to like; but as she discovers the hidden layers of the Telling on her journey outside the capital city, she herself begins to open and to change. This is simultaneously a gentle and powerful book, leisurely paced, where the action is in interaction and education--possibly it's the sort of book that only Le Guin can get away with, but that's only because she makes it work.