check this site out! it tells you the name of the person you have a crush on! it's crazy. i don't know how it does it, but if you jsut go to the site and fill out all the questions and shit it'll tell you the name of the person you like right now. I works, it's crazy. TRY IT!!!
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Feb 26, 2005 04:10
god damnit, i'm spinning, i don't wanna lay down, cause then i'll puke, but that was my goal for tonight, i wanted to puke, so i guess i better do it. then i'll do it again tomorrow. god damn, i'm going rididng in 4 hours, shit, i'm screwed
Feb 16, 2005 13:10
hey, if anyone sees a greyish-taupeish 93 subaru loyale driving around, that kinda looks like mine, let me know, cause it's stolen. yes, MY FUCKING CAR GOT STOLEN. So help me out, in some way, pray, or something, i dunno, but maybe you could send me money so i can buy a new car? eh? eh? ok probably not, but still, keep an eye out.