Title: Between Reality and Lies
Author: watanabe_je
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer(s): As much as I want to own them, they belong to JE
Summary: Maybe falling for someone out of your league is crazy, specially if that certain someone is one of the country's top celebrity. Will you pursue your feelings though it will be unrequited? Will you lie in order to protect your pride or will let go because you know he can never be yours? [Sorry summary is not my forte]
"I don't like you" Jin murmured. "Huh? Did you say something?" Yuichi glance at his friend as they sit on Jin's living room watching TV.
"I don't like that person" The younger one pointed at the screen. "Oh, you mean Kamenashi?" the latter asked.
Jin looked again at the television 'So Kamenashi is his name then' he said to himself. "Yes" pointing at the person talking in the late night talk show.
His friend glance at the said person on TV then back to the one sitting besides him "Why what the matter with him? He seems nice."
Jin just look at Yuichi trying to comprehend what the other one is saying. "He's a newbie in the industry but he already have several drama and movie offer" Yuichi continue.
"Oh... I see" Jin uninterestedly answer. "But he looks likes a brat! Thinking he's cool enough"
Already exasperated with Jin's continuous blabbering Yuichi said "OK OK! I'm not trying to argue with you. Geez you're entitled to your own opinion and so am I" then turn back to watching the program.
Meanwhile, on his side, Jin's frown gets deeper as the show progressed and on his mind a mantra is playing over and over again
"I don't like you... I don't like you... I absolutely don't like you.... Bratty Kame!"