fULL NAME: *Kearsten Leann Boggs*
AGE: *15 years old*
SiGN: *Libra*
LOCATiON: *Pound*
HAiR COLOR: *Bown w/ blonde streaks*
SKiN COLOR: *White...But I'm laying in the tanning bed everyday for summer*
EYE COLOR: *Brown*
*DO YOUBELIEVE iN GOD?:*Yes...But here latley I haven't live the life I should as a Christian*
BROKEN THE LAW: *Nope...I'm pretty much a good girl in that area*
SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: *Yes...but it was only once and the whole time I was scared that I was gonna get caught and I've never done it since*
PRANK PHONE CALL: *Yes...when I was about in the 6th grade*
SKIPPED SCH00L BEF0RE: *Yes...but my mother always knows and she is the one who lets me stay home...lol*
WANT CHiLDREN: *Absolutley* But not until I'm like 25 or so*
fAV. COLOR: *I love Pink & Black together* Those are my fav. colors*
BEEN IN LOVE?: *Not yet, I'm waiting until I find "that one specail guy"*
GOTTON HURT?: *Plenty of times*
YOUR GREATEST REGRET: * I haven't done something so big that I regret*
wHATS YOUR GREATEST FEAR: *My greatest fear is loosing someone that I love, someone that is really close to me*
WHATS YOUR DEFFiNiTiON OF LOVE?: Love is when you spend all day thinking of that one specail person* It's when you wake up and they're the first thing on your mind* It's when no matter what you do you can't get them out of your head* Love is respesting someone and loving them and always wanting them to be happy and that feeling being returned back to you* Love is very rare and you don't find it very often* I've never been in love but I imagine it being somewhat like that*
*Whitney, Ashley, Alicen, Kayla, & Me*
*Brooke, Sara R, Kayla B, & Me*
*My mom, Lisa, in the stripped shirt on the left and my aunt, Fran, in the yellow on the right*
*My dad, Scotty*
*I also have two brother, Chris & Scott, but I didn't have any pictures of them*
(3+ pictures of yourself[No NUDES)
*I hope that you guys enjoy my application & Pictures*<3