If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
I think to much, my brain is going crazy.
I miss Kelly, I really do. We were reallllly good friends for like 3 years.
You can't just throw that away, I don't care what you think.
It can't happen. We might not be as good of friends, but I at least want
to know that we can be civil with each other and see each other occasionally.
I don't want the negatives, although they are reasuring.
I honestly can say, that I want it back to how it use to be with everybody.
I look at Jordyn and Alyssa.. They were always together for the longest time.
Nobody could pull those girls apart. Then they stopped talking for a whileee
and now they are back to being friends. I really am happy for the both of them.
I sit behind both of them in second block and it's beautiful seeing them pass
notes and be in love again like they use to be ♥ Im happy for you ladies.
I love you both alottttt.
I want Marissa and Destiny to talk, although the situation with me and Destiny was flipped.
This is why I feel compelled to talk to Kelly about everything. I want us to go back to how
we use to be, when we took trips to Satellite Beach just to pick Patrick up and bring him home
with us and have sleepovers with that boy ♥ < 3 The thing is, Kelly is/was a part
of my life and im accepting that.
I'm big hearted. Get over it. I'm not good at holding grudges and don't expect me to be.
I want everyone to be okay.. but isn't that what everybody wants?!