(no subject)

Aug 26, 2004 21:28

mm today was fun!
built a cage for my bunnies!
with kyle <33!
lots of fun!
uhm I got bored
so I did the longest quiz ever..

-Birthplace: Toronta
-B-day Month: April
-Current Location: Sutton
-Eye color: brown
-Hair color: brownish
-Height: 5'3
-Righty or Lefty: Right
-Zodiac sign: Taurus
-Your heritage: haha Mexican.. not really though.
-Shoes you wore today: beige n pink DCs
-Your weakness: people..
-your strengths: .. writing..:S
-your fears: EVERYTHING!.. being alone.. the dark.. being hurt gah.. wrists!
-your perfect pizza: Cheese extra cheese
-goal you'd like to achieve: uhm.. happiness
-your thoughts first waking up: I have insomnia
-your bedtime: when I get sleepy
-your most missed memory:.. grade eight. parts of it.
-pepsi or coke: pepsi
-mcdonald's or burger king: MacD's
-single or group dates: either or
-adidas or nike: niether
-lipton ice tea or nestea: nestea
-chocolate or vanilla: depends
-cappuccino or coffee: cappucino
-cuss: yea
-sing: all the time
-take a shower everyday: yes sir
-have a crush: haha sure do.
-do you think you've been in love: yeap
-want to go to college: university
-like(d) high school: me
-want to get married: yea
-believe in yourself: err no.
-get motion sickness: yeah
-think you're attractive: nah
-think you're a health freak: nope
-get along with your parent(s): nope
-like thunderstorms: no way.
-play any instruments: no

in the past month...
-drank alcohol: no
-smoked: no..
-done a drug: nope
-had sex : mhm
-made out: yep
-gone on a date: yeah
-gone to the mall?: yep
-eaten an entire box of oreos: nope
-eaten sushi: nope eww
-been on stage: nope
-been dumped: nope
-gone skating: nope
-made homemade cookies: no .
-gone skinnydipping: no
-dyed your hair: nope
-stolen anything: yeap

-played a game that required removal of clothing: yes haha
-if so, was it mixed company: mhm!
-been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: yea
-been caught "doing something": nope
-been called a tease: yea
-gotten beaten up: naw
-shoplifted:  obviously.. if I have stolen in the last month.
-changed who you were to fit in: no
-age you hope to be married: 26
-describe your dream wedding: don't know
-how do you want to die: suicide
-where you want to go to college: kingston
-what do you want to be when you grow up: unemployed
-what country(place) would you most like to visit: no where

in a guy..
-best eye color?  don't care
-best hair color?  don't care
-short or long hair: don't care
-height: taller than me.
-best weight: don't care
-best articles of clothing: none;)
-best first date location: my bed! haha jks.
-best first kiss location: wherever

(in your life)
-# of drugs taken illegally: none
-# of people i could trust with my life: em like 2 or 3
-# of CDs that i own: alot
-# of piercings: 4
-# of tattoos: 0
-# of scars on my body: 124436523 million
-# of things in my past that i regret: lots

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
-who are your best friends? Brinny, Ashee, Steve.. others.
-do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yeap
-did you send this to your crush? haha no its in my journal.

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
-where is your favorite place to shop? depends.

s p e c i f i c s
-what kind of shampoo do you use? mm depends
-what are you listening to right now? no seatbelt song.. brand new
-who is the last person that called you? Kyle
-how many buddies are online right now? 42
-how many are away: 5
-what would you change about yourself? my hair.. straight.

f a v o r i t e s
-color: lime green n blue
-food: chicken fingers and fries
-boys names: h;fiqhwrithq;ierf
-girls names: jamie, devon, frankie, jordan.. boyish names. 
-subjects in school: english.. gym..
-animals: ferrets and bunnies
-sports: all of em

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
-given anyone a bath?yeah my cousin
-got high? no
-bungee jumped? nope
-made yourself throw up? yeah.. I'm not bulimic though.. thats not why.
-skinny dipped? yeah
-ever been in love? yeah
-made yourself cry to get out of trouble? uhm no
-pictured your crush naked? haha oh yeah
-actually seen your crush naked? yeap
-cried when someone died? yeah
-lied? yeah
-fallen for your best friend? once upon a time
-been rejected? sure have
-rejected someone? mhm
-used someone? nope
-done something you regret? oh yeha.

r i g h t | n o w
-clothes: pajama pants.. skank top
-music: no seatbelt song
-time: 9 45
-make-up: erg.. mascara
-annoyance: everything
-smell: water haha.. yes.
-favorite song: uhm couldn't tell yeah
-favorite group: BRAND NEW
-desktop picture: blink..:S
-book you're reading: dono
-cd in player: Ashlee Simpson
-dvd in player: uhm uptown girls.. prolly
-colour of toenails: black

l a s t | p e r s o n
-you touched: kyle
-hugged: Kyle
-you imed: Kyle
-you yelled at: Kyle... jk ..my mom.

a r e | y o u
-understanding: yeah
-open-minded: yeah
-arrogant: no
-insecure: yep
-interesting: meh
-random: hah yeah
-hungry: em naw
-smart: sure
-moody: oh yeah
-hardworking: nope only when I gottabe
-organized: no
-healthy: uhm yeah
-shy: mhm
-difficult: uhm.. sometimes.
-attractive: nah
-Bored easily: no
-messy: kinda
-responsible: yeah
-obsessed: can be
-angry: sometimes
-sad: all the time
-happy: not likely
-hyper: not now
-trusting: yea
-talkative: yup
-legal: nope haha.. I'm jailbait.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
-kill: no one.. I just want em to sit in cement
-slap: no one
-get really wasted with: Kyle
-get high with: no one
-look like: me
-talk to offline: Kyle
-talk to online: Kyle n Ashee.

r a n d o m
-in the morning i look: bleh
-all i need is: a shower and some makeup
-love is: aweessommmee

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
-01. coke or pepsi:  pepsi
-02. flowers or candy: meh

d o | y o u | e v e r
-01. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: ahaha yeah
-02. save conversations: yeah
-03. wish you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes
-04. wish you were younger: nope
-05. cry because someone said something to you: yeah

y o u r | t h o u g h t s
-01. i know: why I'm wearing socks
-02. i want: to be hugged
-03. i have: no money
-04. i wish: i had more money
-05. i hate: chicken bites lol
-06. i fear: everything
-07. i hear: voices in my hed
-08. i search: the alantic ocean
-09. i wonder: why the sky is blue
-10. i regret: cutting my hair

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
-01. do you like filling these out: yes haha I love it
-05. gold or silver: silver
-06. what was the last film you saw at the movies: ehm.. don't klnow:S
-07. favorite cartoon/anime: DORA!
-08. what did you have for breakfast this morning: nothing
-09. who would you love being locked in a room with?: Kyle
-10. could you live without your computer: nah
-11. would you colour your hair: yeah
-12. could you ever get off the computer: uhm obviously
-13. habla espanol: oui oui
-14. how many people are on your buddy list: dono
-15. drink alcohol: sometimes
-16. like watching sunrises or sunsets: either or.. yes.
-17. what hurts the most: everything.

that was long.
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