I don't know what I'm doing :`-( I have PMS. I just want to dress up in big white shades and go shopping with a tea cup doggy. I want to drip powdered sugar all down my front. Does this sound good to you? Let's go! (Should I make that my personal add?) Really I want to have someone hold my hand--and we could laugh and make each other feel
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Comments 21
Are you volunteering anywhere soon? How about Houses for Humanity (Is it called that?) I'm trying to get more volunteer work to paid my resume...
Starting in a week or two, I'll be volunteering at the Wildlife Rehab Center every Sunday night. If that's something that may interest you, let me know.
I haven't heard of any Habitat opportunities coming up here at St. Kate's. Apparently you can just call and volunteer with them though. I haven't done that because I'd rather volunteer with at least a few people I know.
I don't think the Wildlife would be my thing, but maybe St. Kate's will do something with Habitat soon, with the change in weather :->
I thought I was getting lucky because you have to do so many hours to receive a stipend, and I would've been jumping in right at the end-- so--getting a large chunk of the money all at once and struggling to finish hundreds of volunteer hrs by August, even though really, I would be working for about $5 per hour :-(
There's no way I could live on that amount for a year. So, that sucks. Most of the positions are year long commitments. That blows, Americorps.
I'm applying to be a test scorer on Wed. Bleh. Whatever!!!
and yeah, it's about five an hour and i am very, very poor. but i make it.
I kind of like one of the My Chemical Romance songs! I don't know what it's called, but it's catchy! They remind me of toned down version of American Headcharge...
Hope you have a better day tomorrow! :)
My Chemical Romance is catchy. I just borrowed their most recent CD from the library to see if I wanted to burn anything off it.
Mosty I just think Gerard is really pretty though. I feel sort of the same about Britney Spears. Did you know she stepped on a drug needle when she was walking barefoot through a parkinglot? Sheesh. I think I might have to find another pop princess to like instead.
I dunno, he reminds me of a bit of a scary clown actually! Haha, your comment "I think I might have to find another pop princess to like instead" made me laugh. Rumour has it (Well the Woman's Day magazine) that she is pregnant again!
When I first saw him on tv I was pretty bored... I was like, whatever Jack White wannabe. With his long black hair and red ties--plus whatever song it was wasn't very impressive.
But there's just something interesting about his face. It's so round!
I still have to pick up the CD, but since it's poppy, I bet it will be listenable. So if you kinda like uptempo sort of ska, I bet some might be workable. But, I bet I could find you something better you'd like. (Maybe??) I think I should burn something for kristy/you. I still have to learn more about what you guys like.
Oh yeah, and the icon is from the song "Helena" which they said was actually about the death of one of their grandmothers. I don't really think that works, but whatever.
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