Title: I'm Not Through With You Yet (One Cotton-Pickin' Moment)
Author: C, aka
so_egregious Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,056.
Pairing: John/Paul
Warnings: Language.
Disclaimer: This is a true definition of fan fiction: a work of fiction, created by a fan.
Author's Notes/Summary: Hi there! Long time, no see! :) This was written for
jhp_projects' anniversary shindig.
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Comments 25
Oh wow, it turns out I already uploaded it to Photobucket!
( ... )
If he doesn’t die, Paul vows as he hangs in the balance, he will kill Francie making him wear this fucking thing.
ROFL...I am sure he will!
And his thoughts about WHY John wears black.....fantastic.
This was brilliant, thoughts that shot through Paul's mind in a flash only, but so much might go on in his head there.
Thanks for your wonderful stories, I always love how you make such great things out of small pieces/moments/pics etc.
That suit has got to be the biggest sign of all that Francie was just Bad. Bad. News. ;)
Like others have said, I really liked how you took this one moment and made such a great story about it. I FELT Paul's fear when his foot slipped, his relief when John caught him, his fear and (nearly) acceptance of death, and his overwhelming relief when John didn't just let him go. I also loved how all of Paul's flashbacks included John. It was very surreal: his life started with him, and now it was ending with him.
Most of all, I really liked how this was supposed to be a metaphor about John. Despite the fact that he tries to let Paul go--that he wants to let Paul go--he can't. That was very touching.
I hope that you continue to write if you're not too busy. This was amazing. :)
My absence had little to do with not wanting to write, I promise you - my husband and I were on vacation for two weeks, then were computerless for three while it went in for repairs. I actually started this months ago, and only NOW got around to finishing it. :P
Thank you again, my friend!
You do well with conveying different feelings.
This was a unique, interesting read.
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