1. i am less confident than i seem
2. my boobs really arent that big
3. if you know me well you know that i am a huge bitch. if i dont/havent liked you for a reason,
its a good possibility that ive made your life miserable at some point
in your existance. point, you dont want to make me an enemy.
4. i only pretend to be nice. if i dont go out of my way to have a conversation with you, take a hint.
5. i hate people who talk highly about themselves
and their lives to strangers and constantly bitch and complain to their
6. i really dont like people who are obsessed with themselves to the point that its obvious.
7. i love to sing
8. i am a picky eater.
9. there are only about 15 people from this town that i actually like.
10. only about 5 of them i adore.
11. i am way to judgemental and critical. but i have amazing instincts.
12. i fall fast and hard and things usually end badly.
13. i regret alot of things in my life. i regret about 80% of the people ive hooked up with.
14. i am way to insecure.
15. my standards are way too low for myself.
16. i am a closet jew. well, maybe not too closet.
17. i havent slept with as many people as you'd think.
18. i am an extremely good friend. if i havent been a good friend to you, it means you probably havent deserved it.
19. im not good with secrets. including my own.
20. i am horrible at math.
21. i want to be a nurse when i grow up...
22. my mother affects me more than i'd like to admit.
23. i cant read.
24. if i could do anything for one day it would be to become a boy.
25. i dont like people who kiss with a lot of tongue.
26. i like pot entirely too much. way more than drinking.
27. i actually love black music from the 50's to the 80s.
28. i have just recently grown an appriciation for my extended family (first cousins, uncles aunts on my mothers side)
29. the age 18 went by entirely too fast. its deffinetly been the best year of my life.
30. i believe that coach bags are just as addicting as cigarettes....and im addicted to both.
31. i love attention and affection.
32. i need to be needed. when someone needs me, its hte best feeling in the world.
33. it really bothers me when people wont let me help them or wont talk to me about what's upsetting them
34. i care more than i show.
35. no matter how many improvements i make or compliments i get,
i will never like the way i look. never have, never will.
36. i have extreme OCD and ADD. im also obsessed with perfection.
37. i dont realize when i am giving someone an attitude. i
have a staring problem. if you've ever wondered about this at
some point, it most likely wasnt intentional. you'll know when im
giving you an attitude on purpose.
38. i cant differentiate between loving a boy as a friend or
having feelings for them. most of the time i realize way too late.
39. i actually like kelly clarkson and michelle branch. lol. im really embarassed.
40. i NEVER listen to the radio voluntarily.
41. i dont like being alone.
42. alot of the things i say or do prevent people from wondering
about me because they think everything i say upfront is all i am.
its my mechanism for hiding things.
43. im most likely a better writer than you (unless you're samantha martin), i just dont brag about it.
44. i refuse to get sucked into the creative
writing/photography/i want to be an elementary school teacher/
fad. i think the best writers and photographers turn out to be
the people who dont show it off.
45. i think im actually addicted to piercings. especially
in my ears. ive had 7 or more earrings in my right ear since 5th
grade, but thats nothing cool these days...
46. i got my belly button pierced when i was 13 with my mother.
47. iam not attracted to blondes. i am most attracted to short scrawny and scruffy.
48. i have never been in love.
49. i actually dont even like sex. ive never been impressed.
50. i would marry krista gargano if she proposed.
i finally got my hair cut, its so overdue. its too short for me but i really dont care bc it feels alot better.
i have all this adrenaline when you're around. i have these
feelings that just make me want to smear your face across the pavement.
not for a real reason.
im having trouble toning this feeling down. hopefully i wont have to see you again before i leave. good riddance.
i realized that i will never be good at being fake. i just
cant. its so obvious when i dont like someone, and its so hard
for me to pretend just to be civil.
i really miss rich. if i dont see him saturday......im going to cry 2348734783 times more than i did last night.