
Jun 02, 2005 16:58

Someone answer this please: How can someone talk trash behind one person's back and then go and ask them to hang out or be nice to them? Why not just tell it like it is if you do not like the person? Some people are not right in the head ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

slapnuts04 June 2 2005, 22:45:33 UTC
Wtf dude? You know me well enough to know that's out and say something if I didn't like you.
As far as I know we're cool. Someone's just bein a bitch, dunno who yet. Oh well, shrug off the haters


heavymetalsteve June 3 2005, 03:07:47 UTC
someones about to get snee snashed


screamokidd June 3 2005, 12:06:14 UTC
dude kids are fucked up but trust me
if joe didn't like you....um you would know it cause he would've put that out in the air long time ago.he don't play games


bornwithnoheart June 5 2005, 19:09:37 UTC
and Kris was making up lies...already told you this.... Cody you rock...why would I hate you...as Joe said...shrug the haters off...lol..cool..I just noticed that all the I Am Enron guys posted right in a line


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