Twenty-Ninth Spools of Thread-[Action]

Jan 03, 2010 19:42

[Rare as it may be, today for once Shiki's not at All Passions, the store's actually locked up tight for now. Instead she's derping around in the front yard of House Ten making snowmen.

...very...fashionable snowmen, as a matter of fact. Thanks to her free time, she's created a lot of winter clothes and now she's putting them on the snowmen to ( Read more... )

snowmen, wtf shiki, house ten, action, clothes clothes clothes, my bff mr mew

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so_shik January 4 2010, 05:47:06 UTC
[doot doot doot...Shiki's just wandering around the front yard of House Ten with Mr. Mew trying to make another base for a snowman to join the other four already made. She doesn't quite notice Minato yet though]


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so_shik January 4 2010, 06:12:21 UTC
[Probably a while...actually it's a good couple of minutes that she's rolling this snowball around before she turns to move it to another track of snow. It's about then she realizes there's somebody following her and she jumps in surprise, tripping over the snowball and falling behind it]


keusrai January 4 2010, 06:01:56 UTC
[There's going to be a blue, heavily-bundled-up anthropomorph admiring your snowmen, Shiki. Actually, he'll be mostly looking at the clothing on them.]

...Do you usually dress your snowmen up like that?


so_shik January 4 2010, 06:06:24 UTC
[She stops rolling the snow around and looks up. ...whoa, hey there. But whatever, this isn't strange at all.]

Not usually, but I figured if they were going to be in front of the house they should look good, too.


keusrai January 4 2010, 06:19:52 UTC
Fair enough, I guess. [Poking at one of the snowmen.] These are nice clothes, though; aren't you worried about ruining them?


so_shik January 4 2010, 06:23:04 UTC
Not really. [She's just watching him poke at her snowmen. They're pretty solid and they all look different] I'm mostly testing out how they fare against the snow. If they get wrecked, I'll just start over.


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so_shik January 4 2010, 10:11:33 UTC
For testing, what else?


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so_shik January 4 2010, 10:17:26 UTC
...okay? I don't think the snowmen are the point.


soundfrequency January 4 2010, 10:42:38 UTC
...what are you doing?

[Was on his way out of the house to go... somewhere. Yeah.]


so_shik January 4 2010, 10:44:54 UTC
Testing some new designs to see how well they work with wet and cold. I didn't think you'd want me to strip you in the snow, right?


soundfrequency January 4 2010, 10:46:22 UTC
N-no! Please don't.

[Still, he instinctively takes a few steps back.]


so_shik January 4 2010, 10:49:24 UTC
Oh come on, Neku. [She's pulling a pair of pants out from a bag sitting near one of the snowmen] These are your size and they're way warmer than the ones you have one. [Stalker-Shiki is stalking suddenly, just to tease him a bit we hope.]


karatebunny January 4 2010, 13:08:47 UTC
[Looks around at the snowmen fashion show.]

Ano ne, where did you find all these clothes~?


so_shik January 4 2010, 19:03:17 UTC
[Hi there tiny blond kid who's much older than she is]

I made them.


karatebunny January 5 2010, 14:59:35 UTC
Eh? All of these? ... it must have taken forever ne~!


so_shik January 5 2010, 20:25:42 UTC
Not really forever, but a while. I work fast though.


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