I should seriously just make an entry tag for my carmate, because I'm worried this is going to become a common thing (re: me bitching about her).
So yes, I'll try to keep the swearwords down for once.
Now, update for those I don't see often. I got my car (SQUEE). I still have carmate (BOO). I drive, she sits in the passenger seat, we go. She's a talker. -_-" I have the radio on and she'll talk over it, because she can't just enjoy the fucking ride, I don't know.
We're on our way and All Star by Smash Mouth comes on. Singer says 'aint' in one of the lines and I am treated to the Crazy-Carmate-Rant-2007. She goes off about how saying things like that is a sign of ignorance and lack of intelligence and they're corrupting the youth (*dies laughing*) into talking in such a way. This is why she hates country music, she tells me, because they all talk like that and it's just AWFULangstmoan.
I tell her that it's music. Lyrics doesn't even follow proper emphasis. They go to how the music is. She agrees, but argues anyway. She says that everyone should speak properly because that's why it's there or something. I was driving and trying to not think of how easy it would be to unbuckle her and shove her into a drift.
During all this, though, I keep noticing that she's saying 'grammarically.'
Pause to think on that.
Ye-ah. I'm sitting there, driving, and thinking to myself "isn't it 'grammatically?'" But I'm not one-hundred percent sure, because yeah, it is, but it could also be this and I've just not lived where they USE it. Done that before. I'm not calling her on it because I'm not making an ass of myself and giving her the satisfaction if I'm wrong.
A few miles later I'm muttering something that ends in me saying that "yeah, it does freak me out when people talk like that" (like the really bad southern accents that you don't much hear outside of jokes and the television anymore).
Without missing a fucking BEAT she goes "speak like that." CORRECTING me. Then, it's not even a correction, because she continues as such: "not that you're wrong, they're both right. 'Speak' is just better."
Better. BETTER. I wanted to shove her out the door and we were going 55. I wanted to so badly.
Then she decides to cover her ass and goes "I know that how you speak doesn't decide your intelligence" which is WTF because that is just what she just said not ten minutes ago!
I really wish she weren't so high-and-mighty. I'm not even mentioning the Goodwill story she told me this morning. Why can't people just shut the fuck up and not bother the driver when they're driving unfamiliar roads and trying to not have a panic attack because they're worried they'll wreck?