1 icon sized texture pack up for grabs. This might be my last post for a little while. I'll be heading to China in a month's time for just about 4 weeks with my dragonboat team. We'll be heading to the southern provinces (Guangdong and Gaungxi) for the first 3 weeks, then I am heading up to Beijing for another week and doing the touristy type things. Why, yes - I am super excited and will babble on about it to anyone who will listen! :)
I likely won't have a lot of time before I go, and really, it'll be two to three months before I can get back to any solid texture creation. So yeah, I guess that means it's a mini-hiatus for a while, but I guess I haven't been terribly active lately at any rate.
But anyway, as always - take, comment and credit if you so wish and enjoy.
zip download (3.9 MB) |
full preview Take care for now comrades, and stay sassy.