mix: Fangdrogeny by shakespearsgrl2 : vampirebigbang 2011

Oct 08, 2011 22:20

commander, kelly rowland feat. david guetta
I'll provide the answer
eternal life (road version), jeff buckley
flaming red horizon that screams our names
elle me dit, mika
oui, un jour tu me tueras
in bloom, butch walker & the black widows
who likes all our pretty songs
sex and violence, scissor sisters
hit me with a lover
gladiator, nicola roberts
it's topsy turvy to give mercy to the guilty man
in the lap of the gods...revisited, queen
there's no meaning in my pretending
candy, gavin degraw
you've learned to use your fairy tales
spin, alexz johnson
don't tell me where you been
mercy, matt nathanson
all this love, love, love in the dark
this land is mine, dido
I let you rule
hands on me, vanessa carlton
someday when our stories are told
mountain and the sea, ingrid michaelson
I feel you in my knees
timing is everything, lights
I end up on your ground
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fandom: american idol, type: mix

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