~I worked 13 days in a row. Lovely. While my checks will be decent, that's not a very comforting thought considering how much money I owe in medical bills. ::sigh:: I really need that second job...or I could just quit everything and let the state take care of me. Oh wait. Can't do that either...stupidly, I'm a citizen.
~I've been feeling...
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Comments 5
I'm glad that you are feeling slightly better. Hopefully that trend will continue.
Ummm...I don't really understand how customers think you are hard to identify in your RED aprons. And, I do believe that RED stands out more than black, so I bet they'll think that there are no employees in the store when you get those uniforms. LOL!
I haven't had Arizona Iced Tea in forever. You really made me want some. Hmmm...maybe I'll stop at CVS before work and get some...
YAY for getting your time off for SSW! That makes me overly happy. And seriously, it's the only thing that I have to look forward to as well. Now we just need to discuss and start booking things...
And I would really like the give the state of Michigan a piece of my mind on the constant raising of their tuition. Seriously!
I miss you ♥
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I kinda wish that I could sleep, LOL. Going up to school won't be too bad, but the blood tests and the check-writing? Not so much.
SSW = Super Soap Weekend. I go every year w/ one of my friends. ::points to above comment::
LOL, and I've never gone to a game that they won. I'm jinxed! LOL!
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