everything you say is of worth. everything. i miss you more than you could ever imagine. just driving pointlessly and talking about everything and nothing at the same time. you and your words inspire me. constantly. i know kind of what you're going through. im finding it hard to trust anyone these days, and you know what its about. it will never leave us, and it will always be there, its what we do with it and how we handle it that truly makes us who we are. we will never be the same as we were in middle school or highschool (even though we were the coolest kids around). all we can do is 'learn' from our experiences and try to live each day to the fullest. i love you so much and i miss you. we will get through this. we can rely on each other. always and forever. <333 (amanda cuz my lj is dead :( )
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thank you
AIM: FeelLikeAKing
ill im you next time i see you on
would you like to add me that i could read and comment? :)
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